Odamex Message Boards

Community Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Necromage on January 19, 2007, 16:33:01

Title: odamex woes
Post by: Necromage on January 19, 2007, 16:33:01
I am not sure where to put this so I will put it here. I downloaded the zip for the windows version and I extracted it into its own folder. I, then started up the launcher and tried to join a server and it didn't work. The first problem is that no matter what server I try to join the console tells me that the server is [Russel] - FreeDoom Coop, whens its not. The second problem is that it then continues to try to download freedoom since I don't have it. Sometimes it will tell me it missed a few packets and then quit other times it will give me this error and then quite: CL_ParseCommands: Unkown Server message 79: 0. Its not always number 79 either, it seems to just be some random number. Then the third problem is that if I refresh the server list it will list all the servers as being [Russel] - FreeDoom Coop.

If this has been reported before then I am sorry but I couldn't traces of it anywhere else (I am not sure how to use the bug tracker).
Title: Re: odamex woes
Post by: Russell on January 19, 2007, 20:16:14
If you're running windows, download http://odamex.net/russell/odalaunch1.exe
If you run some other OS, fixes to the launcher have been submitted to the repository that fixes these issues.

It could be that my servers are already out of date compared to release build, I'll update them.
Title: Re: odamex woes
Post by: Necromage on January 19, 2007, 20:30:02
That fixes the problem where all the servers are treated as yours. The automatic download does not want to seem to work. Odamex OdaCTF server #1 for example just keeps warning me about duplicate packets.
Title: Re: odamex woes
Post by: deathz0r on January 20, 2007, 04:38:10
Wad downloading is disabled on the odamex.net servers, but Manc might have reenabled it while I was sleeping.
Title: Re: odamex woes
Post by: Zorro on January 20, 2007, 08:54:22
When it does work, it goes really slow.  wait a minute and stair at the berrage of "Duplicate Packet" messages and you may see a precent indicator.