Odamex Message Boards

Community Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: andrewwan1980 on September 29, 2008, 04:12:46

Title: REQ: feature requests list?
Post by: andrewwan1980 on September 29, 2008, 04:12:46
Where is the requests wish list?

Are there plans for Odamex to support Heretic & Hexen?
Title: Re: REQ: feature requests list?
Post by: Ralphis on September 29, 2008, 10:27:57
Hi Andrew.

Features and bug reports are all submitted to our bug tracker. Before requesting any features, please search to make sure that your feature has not already been requested. When submitting anything to the bug tracker, please try and be as descriptive as possible.

List sorted with Enhancements found at bottom (http://odamex.net/bugs/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&field-1-0-0=bug_status&query_format=specific&remaction=&type-1-0-0=anyexact&value-1-0-0=UNCONFIRMED%2CNEW%2CASSIGNED%2CREOPENED&order=bugs.bug_severity%2Cbug_id%20asc&query_based_on=)

As far as Heretic/Hexen support goes, it is unlikely that there will be support for it anytime soon within Odamex due to, at the very least, two reasons:

1) Heretic and Hexen code was painfully removed for months in order to GPL Odamex's code. It will take a long time to integrate it all back in AND make sure it works.

2) There are still problems that exist within playing a game of Doom over Odamex's netplay which include some latency issues, most notably in cooperative play. These issues should be fixed first as to further complicate the stability of an online game by having to compensate for Heretic and Hexen.

Never say never, but in the short term it is highly unlikely at the moment.