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Messages - Decay

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4

General Discussion / Re: Idle in the servers more!

« on: July 27, 2012, 08:36:41 »
I think odamex is currently just suffering a small dry spell due to summer; once the weather starts to get a little more nasty, more people will crop up in the winter, I'm sure of it!

General Discussion / Re: Odamex newcomer here

« on: July 09, 2012, 16:38:23 »
Also I forgot to recommend you using an IRC (if you don't already have one; but I haven't seen you on IRC yet) client to talk to the majority of odamex players in real time. It's also far easier to set up games this way.

Try using XChat, connecting to port:6667 and joining #odamex

General Discussion / Re: Odamex newcomer here

« on: July 09, 2012, 16:06:56 »
Zdaemon the most popular, ROFL. Maybe a couple years ago, not anymore. Also, popular should not be confused with good/best. Obviously there is some agenda at work there!

Welcome to odamex, arguably the most active multiplayer port development wise, with arguably the best community so far!

I wish you best of luck in training to get better!

Devoblog / Re: Sparks fly; Odamex 0.6.1 released!

« on: July 05, 2012, 19:08:12 »
Fantastic, can't wait to give this a good run when I can!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: June 24, 2012, 20:04:36 »

Alex gave me a bunch of suggestions, which I implemented.

Features that changed from RC3 to 4

- Cut off a bunch of extra paths and recesses in 13
- Redetailed parts of 14 and changed the cell packs to charges
- darkened 15 by 1 gradient (14 points all around)
- Extended the midfield/river in 16 and changed the music
- Raised up the puddles in 18 so you don't get stuck as easily, as well as changed the music.
- 19 was extensively remodeled and the mid is considerably bigger
- Minor details changed on 20
- Same for 21
- 22 the roof got raised in the mid and around the base to make it more obvious where to go.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: June 20, 2012, 14:57:49 » I think this will be the last beta, so if anyone has any issues they wish to bring forward about the pack, now is the time to do so!
Personally, I'd love to see things like UDMF, PK3 support, 3DMidTex, a bigger subset of ACS and even 3D Floors. "

This stuff. Decorate is a novelty but might send odamex down the path of ghoultag. Cue Whiterabbit's "Why GVH was a good thing" comment.

Essentially you gotta ask what the overall goal of odamex is, and does adding something like decorate help fulfill it. Probably not.

Increased ACS compatibility would be excellent, especially global ACS that can be applied to all/most maps in a given DM pack, so modders can have fun and make fun modifiers like Pop a Cap (or kill the target), or even LMS, among other things.

Aside from that, being the lazy as fuck mapper I am, maybe change some of the stuff that causes the purple lines in textures. I think there is a certain w/h textures have to be, can't remember, but all I know is that other ports don't throw a huge purple line in the tex. Also supreme laziness: texture/flat interchangeability, meaning tx_start/end instead of patches/texture1 bullshit.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: June 18, 2012, 11:45:02 »
Thank you for telling me, I did not notice. Honestly I wasn't anticipating such a mistake, though the reason behind this is simple: the author didn't test in odamex. He decided to use 3d mid texes instead of bridge things, and thus did not realize they don't work in odamex. Fixed.

RC2 to remedy this.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: June 13, 2012, 12:39:33 »

Took way too long to do this, but here is RC 1! Design to be paired with velocity I, i added mapinfo that changes the titles of the first veloctf.wad to not include the author names. If hosting both wads, this wad gets priority.

As always, if you have anything to say about the maps in any respect, I am open ears to suggestions and critique.

General Discussion / Re: [AX] - Apex

« on: May 17, 2012, 21:38:30 »
We would like to welcome both Swiftshot and Legion to Apex!

General Discussion / Re: [AX] - Apex

« on: May 16, 2012, 20:17:00 »
I think he sailed too far to the west and fell off the earth or something.

Also I haven't even seen Slyfox play odamex, so definitely we are looking to recruit some people, find Soulsucka on IRC or find me if he isn't around.

Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6 Released!

« on: May 12, 2012, 13:41:18 »

Many people have waited a long time to see this, very awesome to see it come to fruition. Kudos to the hard work of the current dev team and the dedication of those supporting odamex to see it come this far after apparently quite a long time. When I first played odamex a long time ago, I really did not like it, but it has come so far and improved so much it has become my (and many others) port of choice.

Can't wait to see it grow!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: May 09, 2012, 15:40:47 » just your average update. Gameplay wise, this version is pretty important I'd say, please leave me your comments if you could!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: May 07, 2012, 18:12:55 »

Here is what will likely be velocity II's maplist. 10 maps (13-22), resource wad merged with said maps. This is only a really rough sketch, most of the maps are not detailed at all, but I'm just trying to get a solid maplist first.

Please leave some thoughts, i really need to know what you guys think of the maps as they are so far so we can improve layouts, gameplay, etc

map13: DTDsphere by DTDsphere
map14: Industrial Waste Sewers by Decay
map15: The E4-Themed Reject by Kamai
map16: 2 Pronged Snake by Shane
map17: A Simple Complex by Decay
map18: 360 Kick Spin by Shane
map19: Clash of Empires by Shane
map20: DECAY INDUSTRIES by Decay
map21: Save the Universe by Heavewraith
map22: Chernobyl's Requiem by Kamai

Take a browse, let me know what you like, don't like, etc. It's very helpful to know what isn't liked ahead of time!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: May 01, 2012, 17:29:36 »
So, first tests and impressions were held on sunday, and unfortunately the move towards more "abstract" ideas did not go over as smoothly as I had hoped, but that doesn't mean to say all the maps were bad~

Heavenwraith seems to have produced another winner, some maps just need a little reforming/touch-ups and others were tossed. As a result of the testing, I've decided to go back to making what made the first velocity great: sheer intensity.

I'm hoping to get a new build out by this weekend for another round of testing.

Here's my first new offering, Decay Industries

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