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Messages - Ralphis

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9]

General Discussion / Re: Good first release. but some ?'s

« on: January 20, 2007, 20:47:57 »
How does using udp packets VS the ipx protocol in doom2 effect the game? assuming you were both using the same doom2 source port and were both on a lan. except one game used udp packets and the other used oldschool ipx what would be different in the gameplay?

The obvious difference is how lag is handled. In doom2.exe, if you lag everyone else is going to lag with you. This is because in doom2.exe you are peer-to-peer connected; Games you play in it identically synced up. Odamex however uses a client/server design that allows players to jump in and out of the action at will. This means that the server needs to be telling every client what is going on and try to do it at an equal rate to make the game appear to be in sync for everyone else.

If bugs aren't correctly fixed both client and server side, what you see in your client might not actually be happening on the server (which is what matters). Because of this, other players in the server may see an open door for example, but the door will appear closed to you. This impairs doom2.exe gameplay.

Quote from: Libor
Hi, i have one simple question. will odamex support PWO (preffered weapon order)?

No. It will also not support noswitchonpickup. We strive to maintain the balance of the original doom2.exe. Certain maps place weapons as traps (You pick it up and become vulnerable to attack for a few moments). By allowing certain players to overcome this, you are breaking the balance of the original gameplay.

Technical Support / Re: Reorganizing the list

« on: January 20, 2007, 15:12:24 »
Please read through the Bug Tracker and if the bug you are describing does not exist submit a DETAILED report.

General Discussion / Re: Good first release. but some ?'s

« on: January 20, 2007, 15:09:47 »
Hi Dred! Thanks for taking interest in Odamex. Let me try to the best of my ability to answer some of your questions.

The history of Odamex began as a consensus that the csdoom .62 code was some of the best in client/server doom up until now. That is why we chose csdoom to work with initially. Throughout development, certain talks began about Odamex moving to PRBoom, but that's all it was (talk).

Unlike "competing" multiplayer source ports, Odamex was founded with the intention to keep the game what it was and is, not to add tons of enhancements that drastically alter the Doom formula. It is with this mindset that we've tried our best to restore all physics, sound, etc to it's classic doom2 state while offering enough enhancements to keep it up to snuff, so to speak.

Although other source ports are also derived from the same code base (csdoom/zdoom), Odamex has basically been rewritten from the ground up. The net code is almost entirely different from what we started with and we aim to improve upon it without impairing important aspects of Doom game play.

Our project really shines in one question you asked, "How long do you think it will terms of fixing holes?"

The beauty of open source is that the community has a say in the direction of Odamex. The more solid bug reports that the team receives, the more the team has the opportunity to fix and repair. We are always striving to return Odamex to Doom2 compatibility while still offering a clean, stable client/server architecture.

Thanks for your support and make sure to read through our OdaWiki to find the answers to most of your questions.

General Discussion / Re: Video Games Live

« on: January 15, 2007, 04:20:35 »
VGL always interested me since I'd like to break into the business one day. I met one of the people that are involved in it once and he was kind of a prick. But that's ok!

Developer's Corner / Re: Game-affecting variables

« on: November 24, 2006, 03:01:00 »
Someone correct me if I'm incorrect in my assumption but could a server not load a dehacked patch to get this done?

General Discussion / Re: Odamex information?

« on: October 24, 2006, 11:16:28 »
ACS is non-existant

General Discussion / Re: Odamex information?

« on: October 23, 2006, 18:52:51 »
Odamex currently supports mp3, ogg, and other various popular audio formats.

No go on the slopes I'm afraid.

General Discussion / Re: Make your own Odamex Slogan

« on: October 23, 2006, 10:27:29 »
Odamex: Setting the Standard in Multiplayer Doom

General Discussion / Re: Best iwad

« on: October 23, 2006, 10:26:14 »
doom2 = dm
doom = SP
plutonia = coop

Maybe not the best but certainly my favorites
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