Cross compiling for Windows using MinGW
This document is written for Debian and Ubuntu users. The process should be similar for other distributions, but installing the prerequisites will most likely be different.
[hide]Step 1: Installing and configuring the prerequisites
In order to build Windows binaries, you'll need MinGW, SDL, and SDL_mixer. This tutorial also assumes you're building the latest revision, so you'll need Subversion.
Subversion and MinGW are in the repositories, so to install them, type:
sudo apt-get install mingw32 subversion
Odamex expects the g++ compiler to be named mingw32-g++, create a link:
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-g++ /usr/bin/mingw32-g++
Download SDL and SDL_mixer:
wget wget wget
Extract the archives:
tar zxvf SDL-devel-1.2.13-mingw32.tar.gz unzip SDL.dll -d SDL-1.2.13/lib/ unzip
The sdl-config utility needs to be modified to contain the correct prefix:
mv SDL-1.2.13/bin/sdl-config SDL-1.2.13/bin/sdl-config.bak cat SDL-1.2.13/bin/sdl-config.bak | \ sed 's/\/Users\/hercules\/tmp\/SDL-1.2.13/\/usr\/i586-mingw32msvc/' \ > SDL-1.2.13/bin/sdl-config chmod +x SDL-1.2.13/bin/sdl-config
Move the files where they belong:
sudo mv SDL-1.2.13/bin/sdl-config /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin/ sudo mv SDL-1.2.13/include/SDL/* /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include/ sudo mv SDL-1.2.13/lib/* /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/lib/ sudo mv SDL_mixer-1.2.8/include/* /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include/ sudo mv SDL_mixer-1.2.8/lib/* /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/lib/
You don't need the archives or what's left of their contents anymore. Delete them:
rm -rf SDL-1.2.13 SDL_mixer-1.2.8 SDL-devel-1.2.13-mingw32.tar.gz \
Step 2: Downloading the source
Use Subversion to check out a copy of the source:
svn co odamex-win32
Change to the source directory:
cd odamex-win32
Step 3: Compiling
Add the MinGW bin directory to your PATH so that the correct sdl-config is used:
And compile:
make -f
Step 4: Installing
The exe files are in the bin directory. A few more files are still needed to run in Windows. Copy them there:
cp /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/lib/SDL.dll /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/lib/SDL_mixer.dll \ README odamex.wad odasrv.cfg bin/
You're all done! Copy the bin directory to a Windows machine and enjoy.