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Topic: Private vs Public CTF  (Read 9322 times)

Offline Hekksy

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Private vs Public CTF
« on: February 06, 2012, 17:06:27 »
So I've come to the conclusion that using IDL2012 as a base for odactfmp public CTF map pack was a bad idea. Why? Most of the maps are best suited for 3vs3, rather than 5vs5/6vs6/8vs8 that most public servers enable. The map pack was supposed to be the pack that kept players in the servers for hours with long games where people can quit/join whenever without the server dying down much.

So I plan to modify the structure a bit. I don't know if I want to make two seperate map packs, or just divide the maps so that, for example, map01 - map20 would be pub, and map21 - map40 would be maps better suited for private CTF.

Here is the maplist, and what I personally think the maps are best suited for:

Code: [Select]
map01 - zdctfmp map01 - Priv
map02 - zdctfmp map02 - Priv
map03 - zdctfmp map03 - Priv
map04 - osctfmp- map05 - Pub
map05 - chaoscore map01 - Priv
map06 - 32in24-4 map01 - Pub
map07 - zdctfmp map07  - both
map08 - zdctfmp map08 - after that last IDL round, neither
map09 - IDL Contest 07 - pub
map10 - IDL Contest 21 - pub
map11 - zdctfmp2 map11 - pub
map12 - 32in24-4 map16 - pub
map13 - 32in24-4 map13 - pub
map14 - 32in24-4 map09 - priv
map15 - zdctfmp2 map15 - pub
map16 - zdctfmp2 map16 - priv
map17 - 32in24-4 map17 - priv
map18 - odactf1 map02 - both
map19 - IDL Contest 20 - both
map20 - zdectfmp2 map01 - priv
map21 - 32in24-4 map08 - priv
map22 - 32in24-7 map22 - pub
map23 - zdectfmp- map02 - pub
map24 - IDL Contest 10 - pub
map25 - odactf1 map04 - pub
map26 - zdctfmp3- map26 - both
map27 - bpctf map26 - pub
map28 - chaoscore map11 - both
map29 - zdectfmp2 map19 - both
map30 - zductf map30 - priv
map31 - 32in24-4 map31 - priv
map32 - 32in24-7 map27 - priv

Thoughts? What do you think the maps are better suited for? What maps should be replaced by other maps? Do you recommend any maps that are better suited for public CTF?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2012, 17:19:28 by HeX9109 »
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