Heh, interesting idea =)
plus a life-long ban if that happens twice in a game, but seriously, i'm gonna edit this post when i get home and i'll try to give some real input
in the meantime, i'm hoping there will be raw stats available as well, points are nice(or are they ?) but stats is all that really matters and even that doesn't tell the whole story, but some basic stats like frags/flags capped/returned should be there for sure
EDITEDOk i gave it some thinking and here goes a couple of ideas, it may sound complicated, but i belive it would not be that hard to code
first thing we need to reckognize with a scoring system is that we can never get it right....
offense(option 1)Flag pickup(anywhere in the map, regardless of how many times it's been dropped before) +3 points - if that leads to a flag score anywhere in the process(not scored by the same person) additional +5 points, flag pickup(even off a drop)+cap by the same person +15 points - so basically you will reward everyone who played a part in scoring the flag
offense(option 2)there would be say 20 potentinal points to be had for a flag capture and you would give a portion of the points to anyone who helped in capturing, so if the flag gets dropped and picked up 3 times in the scoring process, you take those 20 points and divide it up among everyone who had a pickup on the same flag,regardless of who touched it first or who was capping it, you could also award say +2 or +3 points for grabs/pickups which don't lead to a flag capture
defense: frag carrier kill +3 leading up to flag being returned by anyone or by itself additional +3, returning the flag +3, frag carrier kill+return by the same person +10 points total.
Here i wonder if time could be taken into account, if a flag has been off the platform/pedestal(or whatever it's called) for say longer than 5 seconds, we should give more points for return etc..
frag would stay at +1 point , suicide would not add nor deduct any points
the problem in this situation is that a good defender who doesn't allow any flag grabs wont get rewarded other than by frags, unfortunatelly since every map is different with different dynamics, there just cannot be a universal solution, you could try giving defenders more points for those couple of returnes they get in say zdctf map07, but if you keep the very same system and try to apply it to map01, you would see some crazy numbers - and this is why i think a point system might not be such a hot idea in the first place