I have been eagerly awaiting this latest release of Odamex, for it was to include sloped floor support, which I was waiting on so I could play through Rex's Darkest Hour on my classic XBOX game console, not to mention within the AROS operating system which Odamex is currently being ported to.
As fate would have it, the sloped surfaces worked like a charm and I began to get very excited, though as I moved on through the game I began to realize that not everything from zDOOM 1.22 or 1.23 for that matter were fully supported yet.
It would seem that part of the scripting system is broken as you can not collect the space suit and go outside in Darkest Hour, which hinders all progress in the game.
I understand that Odamex is designed with on-line Death Match in mind, and not geared so much for the Single Player experience, but it, unlike zDOOM is not dependent upon FMOD.DLL which therefore makes it easily portable to a variety of platforms, and possibly the most advanced DOOM port in the portability category.
It is for this reason that I would love to see Odamex's source brought up on to speed in this regard. Not only would I love to be able to enjoy Rex among some of the other DOOM Mapper's old zDOOM work on my XBOX and AROS machine, but I'd also like to eventually rebegin work on my own Odamex related project some day, and I'm quite sure that I'm going to want to make use of as many old (and maybe new) zDOOM features as possible. This is after all part of what sets Odamex apart from say, PrBOOM, that is when you take the multi-player element out of the equation. Though of course I am really keen on the idea of multiplayer missions as well! ;)

If we lost an eye we would be sad. So the Mother too is sad, and she'll end, and the world ends... - From the Heart of the World