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Topic: DOOM II Projekt Xero - And greetings!  (Read 33868 times)

Offline LittleTemple

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Re: DOOM II Projekt Xero - And greetings!
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2012, 00:12:31 »
The demo we currently have uploaded has the old MP3 files. =)

However we will ask around just to make sure. We've also let Abiageal know she can convert the music for us because she's more music smart than us, obviously. Hopefully we'll get it all sorted out.

As for MAP02, it's almost finished and will be included in the demo hopefully with in a few days (bug testing, last minute changes, the usual!)


Little Temple Group

Offline LittleTemple

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Re: DOOM II Projekt Xero - And greetings!
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2012, 20:21:17 »
MAP02, UAC Research Lab Ventilation System is complete and included in the demo linked below for feedback!

As was suggested, the music file is a seperate download and is still in MP3 format for the time being!

Levels (Main wad link) :

Music Wad link :

Thank you in advance!


Little Temple Group

Offline LittleTemple

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Re: DOOM II Projekt Xero - And greetings!
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2012, 16:32:43 »
After some computer problems and a slight redraw of the blueprints for MAP03, we've finally finished it.

Kamila did take some time on other maps and may devote her vanilla project all to herself after projekt xero is done but for now, this is our top priority.

This map is mixed this time, though the main blueprints were drawn up by Kamila, Elizavetta put a lot of her ideas into it during the mapping process and as such, credit will go to the both of them when we updated the readme file.

Maps may from now on take slightly longer because we plan on trading off.

Kamila did the first 2 maps by herself but, to get everyone involved. Elizavetta will help Kamila with MAP04 as well. Than Valentine will work with Kamila on the next two, and than myself, and it'll keep going with that pattern.

We hope you enjoy =)

Kamila has also been working slightly with Deathmatch maps for the project.

The music for the UAC Research Lab Main Hall (MAP03) is already in the PRXMUS wad you have if you downloaded the last time we posted an update on the project.


Little Temple Group