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Topic: DOOM II - Dimensions  (Read 12092 times)

Offline LittleTemple

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DOOM II - Dimensions
« on: December 31, 2012, 04:28:05 »
Yes, Kamila won us over with some designs for levels which didn't fit our previous project, Projekt Xero and so, we decided to give "Dimensions" a go for the time being as smaller maps apparently appeal more to us right now than we thought.

Projekt Xero will of course be finished as well, just a lot later. We figured we could learn a lot working with smaller maps and apply them later to projekt zero.

Abiageal O'Meara has of course been working on a score for this wad, though we aren't demanding 38 tracks out of her for this one!

She of course said she is finishing the projekt xero soundtrack next, even if it's done two years before our levels are.

So, without further delay... here we go. I've decided to copy the README file as it basically says everything, and you wont have to read it later!

A DOOM II Level Replacement by Little Temple Group (


A Registered copy of DOOM II by id software (DOOM2.WAD)
Latest version of Odamex (Currently 0.6.2) Download it here :
Latest version of Zdoom (Currently 2.6.0) Download it here :

Features -

32 all new levels for DOOM II complete with a story
Special soundtrack composed by Abiageal O'Meara


Project Lead - Kamila Zielinski

Levels - Kamila Zielinski
               Elizavetta Zielinski
               Marcus Dudek
               Valentine Zajac

Art - Marcus Dudek

Story - Kamila "I Basically Ripped Off Quake" Zielinski

Music - Abiageal O'Meara
Sound - Bobby Prince


Genesis -

The Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) have finally put the decade old complexes to use. They have finally began setting up and testing successfully completed teleportation prototypes. Things go in one end, and come out the other in one piece. Well, accept for the first test, the cat's tail came back though! (poor kitty)

Success -

With the teleporters working and news spreading all over the world of what the future might hold, job offers by the UAC are snatched up like water in the valleys of sand. The UAC never considered what kind of people may be able to sneak their way into a top spot job at the UAC with nothing but bad intentions…

The Nightmare -

Five years go by and the technology only improves. A man named Marcus Slayder has been working with the  UAC for five years now. Everyone respects him and fears him at the same time. He has a certain mysterious way about him but, when things go wrong deep in the Central Terminal Complex, he volunteers straight away to lead at team of engineers and egg heads into the now dark halls. Strange screaming can be heard and roaring can be heard throughout the valley where the UAC's fifteen year old fortresses of steal rest.

He moves on -

Backup is called within thirty minutes and marines rush through the Teleportation Complex, making their way through the still dark night sky. Before they can reach the Central Terminal Complex, Slayder warns them not to go further. He tells them the others were killed but that he knew a way to stop them. As the soldiers protest and go about their duty of asking him to follow them out to safety… Radio silence soon follows.

The Mission -

The sun is up by the time you, a hardened commander of the Earth Marine Corp arrives at the scene. Nobody at the barracks knew much, just that a whole team of marines and a couple of egg-heads went missing. The complex looks fine from the outside but, the saying don't judge a book by it's cover could always go both ways. You cock your pistol, take a deep breath, open the door into the dark halls of the complex.

Getting Going -

Once you've loaded the wad file and started a new game, you start in a small chamber with 5 passages around you. Two to your left, two to your right and one straight ahead.

To continue, walk into either chamber and step on the grated "Teleporter Pad" to exit the level.

First passage to your left is Episode 1 - Genesis
Second Passage to your left is Episode 2 - Dimension of the Damned
Second Passage to your right is Episode 3 - Dimension of the Red Sea
First passage to your right is Episode 4 - Shadow Dimension

The fifth passage straight ahead leads to the final level of the wad file but is, quite obviously sealed off! In order to enter this part of the level, you must first complete all four episodes (the order is up to you, though during a first time play through, we recommend going in order!)

Tech Stuff Only Nerds Like Us Care About -

Single Player/Coop (Yes)

Death Match (Yes, it'll be added to the main levels and a separate DIMENSIONS DEATH MATCH file of 6 or so maps later on)

Difficulty Settings (Yes, though if you're tough like us, play UV and if you're prepared to make us look like wussies, play Nightmare, we dare you!)

New Sounds (Maybe, we aren't sure yet. For now it's NO)

New Graphics (Yes, later on, a title screen, credits screen and exit screen at least)

How We Play Dimensions -

Controls -

We recommend having a "jump" key assigned as some gaps can't be crossed otherwise.

Mouselook may help but is, so far optional as far as level design goes.

Tips for people who aren't sure what's going on -

Some switches can only be activated by a swift punch to the metal or a bullet straight into the circuit board.

Water in Dimensions can have things hidden within it in most cases. It's always a good idea to go for a swim if you're the adventurous type.

Brown is of course, completely OK. However, be forewarned, it could be brown for a reason!


You MAY NOT use this wad file as a base for your own levels without permission from the original authors listed above (Personnel).
You MAY NOT use the music from this wad file for any other wad without the prior consent of Abiageal O'Meara (contact her by email at
You MAY distribute this wad file in all manners, recorded CD, file sharing, or otherwise provided it has this text file included.

Contact Little Temple Group at the following address -

Thank you for playing Dimensions!


Little Temple Group



All the usual readme mumbo jumbo! So, here's the links to both the main wad (levels) and the music wad!

Do tell us what you think! =)

Deathmatch will be added along with coop to the single player levels but, because some single player levels are small for more than 4 max players DMing, there will be a separate DM only wad. We just aren't sure how many level it'll be yet.

Links (Main Levels)
         (Music Wad)

UPDATE: Death Match is now in place for both MAP01 and MAP02 as of 2:13 PM Standered Dec 31st 2012! =)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 18:15:00 by LittleTemple »

Offline LittleTemple

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Re: DOOM II - Dimensions
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 16:07:59 »
Just a little update while we work on MAP03.

We think the sound track by Abiageal O'Meara is just as important as the levels themselves and should receive some coverage.

The following is whats there so far and hints of whats to come. Enjoy! Also, just in case, Abiageal O'Meara can currently be contacted at this address -

Also, the flags for things/decs in MAP01 have been fixed for DM, along with the difficulty and a stubborn lift in MAP02


Little Temple Group

Offline LittleTemple

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Re: DOOM II - Dimensions
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 18:14:37 »
MAP 03 "Castle of Darkness" has been added along with deathmatch starts. We tested with bots and it actually makes an excellent DM map.

The main levels wad now has Map info along with appropriate skies.

The DMUS wad has been majorly updated. Instead of trying to convert to ogg ourselves, we finally asked Abiageal O'Meara to do it. She managed to get the file size down from 54.MB to a mere 7MB.

The DMUS file also includes the custom sound effects, adding only a few extra hundred KB to the overall file size.

Someone gave us feedback on how easy the first level was last time thus we made it slightly more difficult, we'd appreciate the same feedback for MAP03.



Little Temple Group