This was started nearly two years ago, and now I'm finally resuming it!
So what's it all about? It's a total conversion for doom2 that utilizes all of prboom's wonderful features. I've completed all the assets (sprites, sounds and dehacked), I've selected a
texture set and now I'm ready to start mapping, I've finished map01, and 02. Now before anyone jumps to any conclusions,
this is not a remake of doom3 by any stretch of the imagination. I've came up with my own plot and I'm following it strictly. Where does this take place? I'm not sure yet, either Phobos or mars. What kind of maps can you expect from this wad? Plenty of unique, fun and addictive maps, though the first 11 maps will all follow the same basic theme, map12 is where the wad really takes a turn, by map12 you'll be in the underground environmental labs, these labs simulate various outdoor environments (so you'll be playing in swamps, snow levels, underwater levels and all that stuff). Weapons wise you'll have the good ol' doom3 weapon set, but each weapon serves a different purpose. The chaingun is tailored for close combat it fires 4rounds per 2 shots giving it a devastating punch (if you're close enough)and is perfect for waves of tough monsters , the machine gun however, is a highly accurate weapon designed for long distance enemies or taking out one enemy at a time. The rest of the weapons are similar to the original doom weapons ( I think you'll know how to use them ;) )

[size=9]Map01 - Map11 Completed 05/03/10[/size]Map01 - Armory - 100%
Map02 - Nuclear Plant - 100%
Map03 - Nuclear refinery - 100%
Map04 - Maintenance depot - 100%
Map05 - Nukage Regulation - 100%
Map06 - Vegitation testing - 100%
Map07 - Eco Containment - 100%
Map08 - Recycling Depot - 100%
Map09 - Industrial Zone - 100%
Map10 - Nukage control - 100%
Map11 - Lock Down Anomaly - 100%
[size=9]Map12 - Map20 Completed 07/04/11[/size]Map12 - ENV-SEC 1 - Sub-Zero Containment - 100%
Map13 - ENV-SEC 2 - Marshlands 100%
Map14 - ENV-SEC 3 - Volcanic Control - 100%
Map15 - ENV-SEC 4 - Cliff Sides - 100%
Map16 - ENV-SEC 5 - Water Works - 100%
Map17 - ENV-SEC 6 - Rock Ridge Canyon - 100%
Map18 - ENV-SEC 7 - Marsh Lands - 100%
Map19 - ENV-SEC 8 - The Tropics - 100%
Map20 - Re-Surface/Gateway - 100%[size=9]
Map21 - Map32 Should be complete by November or December[/size]
Map21 - Gates of hell - 100%Map22 - Unholy Cathedral - 50%Map23 - Inferno - 100%
Map24 - Peril - 100%Map25 - Catacombs - 0%
Map26 - Beyond Despair - 0%Map27 - (I can't reveal the name) - 100%
Map28 - Forced Entry - 100%
Map29 - Earthbound - 100%
Map30 - The Truth - 100%Map31 - It's a secret - 100%
Map32 - It's a secret - 100%_______________________
If you'd like to try this in beta form, please feel free to PM me and I'll send you a copy.[/img]