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Topic: Setting up SR-50  (Read 10669 times)

Offline Dr. Sean

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Setting up SR-50
« on: August 05, 2013, 19:33:13 »
This guide assumes a player is using the common WASD configuration for their movement keys, configured with the following:
Code: [Select]
bind W +forward
bind S +back
bind A +moveleft
bind D +moveright

Players should choose the method that they feel comfortable with, modify the key binding to match their movement layout, and then paste into the bottom of odamex.cfg.

Old School
Usage: The player will SR-40 to the right with W & D and then SR-50 by holding down the second mouse button and moving the mouse continuously to the right.

Code: [Select]
bind mouse2 +strafe
set m_side 15

Three Key
Usage: The player will SR-40 to the right with W & D but will also hold down a third key, Q, to SR-50 to the right. Similarly, the player will hold down W & A & E to SR-50 to the left.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50l_3key "+left\;+strafe"
alias -sr50l_3key "-left\;-strafe"
alias +sr50r_3key "+right\;+strafe"
alias -sr50r_3key "-right\;-strafe"
bind Q +sr50r_3key
bind E +sr50l_3key

Two Key
Usage: The player holds down W to move forward and then holds down a second key, E, to SR-50 to the right, or Q to SR-50 to the left.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50l_2key "+left\;+moveleft\;+strafe"
alias -sr50l_2key "-left\;-moveleft\;-strafe"
alias +sr50r_2key "+right\;+moveright\;+strafe"
alias -sr50r_2key "-right\;-moveright\;-strafe"
bind Q +sr50l_2key
bind E +sr50r_2key

One Key
Usage: The player holds down E to SR-50 to the right and Q to SR-50 to the left. While moving backwards, the player holds Z to SR-50 to the back and left, and holds C to SR-50 to the back and right.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50fl_1key "+forward\;+moveleft\;+left\;+strafe"
alias -sr50fl_1key "-forward\;-moveleft\;-left\;-strafe"
alias +sr50bl_1key "+back\;+moveleft\;+left\;+strafe"
alias -sr50bl_1key "-back\;-moveleft\;-left\;-strafe"
alias +sr50fr_1key "+forward\;+moveright\;+right\;+strafe"
alias -sr50fr_1key "-forward\;-moveright\;-right\;-strafe"
alias +sr50br_1key "+back\;+moveright\;+right\;+strafe"
alias -sr50br_1key "-back\;-moveright\;-right\;-strafe"
bind Q +sr50fl_1key
bind E +sr50fr_1key
bind Z +sr50bl_1key
bind C +sr50br_1key

Turnspeeds Toggle
Usage: The player will SR-40 to the right with W & D and then SR-50 by holding down the second mouse button. Note that this method will require the player to press the second mouse button when first spawning to initialize the controls. If the player forgets do do this, the A and the D keys will spin the player's view instead of moving them to the left or right. Note that +sr50l_ts will take the place of the key bound to +moveleft and +sr50r_ts will take the place of the key bound to +moveright.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50l_ts "+left\;+moveleft"
alias -sr50l_ts "-left\;-moveleft"
alias +sr50r_ts "+right\;+moveright"
alias -sr50r_ts "-right\;-moveright"
alias +sr50_ts_toggle "turnspeeds 65536\;+strafe"
alias -sr50_ts_toggle "turnspeeds 0\;-strafe"
bind A +sr50l_ts
bind D +sr50r_ts
bind mouse2 +sr50_ts_toggle

Odamex Development Team Member