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Topic: Is there any equivalent to sv_curmap/sv_nextmap for wad names?  (Read 10266 times)

Ant P.

  • Nobody
Or can we have one added?

My main reason being, I want to do this in a multi-wad rotation (for the extra sounds in brit11):
Code: [Select]
sv_nomonsters 1
if sv_nextwad "doom2.wad brit11.wad" sv_nomonsters 0

Offline Hekksy

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Re: Is there any equivalent to sv_curmap/sv_nextmap for wad names?
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2013, 07:39:07 »
Hi Ant,

There are some map scripts that you might find helpful. They were implemented a long time ago and I have never tried them myself, so I have no clue if they actually work or how they work. The best information I can give you is the page for them on the wiki.
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Ant P.

  • Nobody
Re: Is there any equivalent to sv_curmap/sv_nextmap for wad names?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2013, 18:47:50 »
Okay I *think* I've given this enough testing and it looks like it works, so here's what I ended up with:
Code: [Select]
addmap map01 dwango5.wad
addmap map02
addmap map06
addmap map07
addmap map12
addmap map13
addmap map19
addmap map01 brit10.wad
addmap map02
addmap map03
addmap map04
addmap map05
addmap map06
addmap map01 brit11.wad
addmap map02
addmap map03
addmap map04
addmap map05
addmap map06
addmap map07
sv_endmapscript "exec config/inc/brit11sfx.cfg"
// ↓
Code: [Select]
if sv_nextmap eq "map01" sv_nomonsters 0
if sv_curmap eq "map19" sv_nomonsters 1
if sv_curmap eq "map06" sv_nomonsters 1

It gets me what I wanted, but it relies on the exact maplist order, so things like map vote and shufflemaplist are right out.