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Topic: New Deathmatch WAD v0.9 [ZMatch 2013]  (Read 11157 times)

Offline Doomkid

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New Deathmatch WAD v0.9 [ZMatch 2013]
« on: March 03, 2013, 22:44:39 »
Greetings all!

It's good to finally have an Odamex account. I only recently discovered this port, and I really enjoy it's style.


I've been working on some deathmatch maps for a while now, and with 10 complete, I'm ready to release them.
(I call this the 0.9 version because I plan on updating them and fixing issues after some rigorous playtesting. Also, a post similar to this can be found on the other Doom forums.)

The goal of these maps was to provide 10 maps suitable for Duel, FFA, or LMS with compatability with any Z-port. I've tried to follow the classic techniques for a smooth battle with these ones :)

All feedback is appreciated, and I don't fear criticism, so let me know what you think!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 18:31:27 by Doomkid »
Part of the Oceanian Doomers Club

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Re: New Deathmatch WAD v0.9 [ZMatch 2013]
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 12:45:47 »
Alright, I told you last night I would run through these, so here I go.



map01: Soulsphere: the roof of that is hanging in mid-air; connect to something. BUT I'm not sure the execution of the soulsphere is all that great; a slower lift would be better. The speed of the lift right now makes it almost pointless to have a lift in the first place.

I don't recommend having the secret blue armour door there; remove the door and make it a green armour perhaps, because a BA and SS combo in such proximity is a recipe for total ownage, and a little unbalanced. In that same area, above the green slime pool, you have a ceiling of all metal-lights. Remove most of them; find a new flat to compliment that light instead of plastering it over the whole sector. Going outside, that single lamp post by the shotgun; find a way to stick it IN the wall, so it doesn't obstruct movement while still looking nice. Throughout the map there is a little too much energy ammo, cut down on it big time. The woodmet on the outside is a bit misaligned. HOW THE HECK DO YOU GET THE BFG?@?@ I like that little exit gate; I would recommend replacing the plasma pack with the BA and make the gate close a tiny bit faster. That would be a good balance.

map02: Lower that sky ceiling 16 units. Also, another light floating in mid-air! I'm not sure what kinds of dmflags you want on these maps, but those hanging corpses might get in the way if you use old doom height vs actual height. this seems like a cool map, I like this palette, it matches the map well.

map03: Pretty slick, change the BA to GA though. You like floating lights!

Map04: Interesting map. Too many plasma cells, but I like the teleport trick for the bfg.

map05: This one is a little more plain, but still has a nice touch. A BA with a berserk/plasma pack/backkpack altogether? Rebalance that!

map06: BFG will wreck shit on this map. You have some misalignments with the gray wall, but otherwise it's okay. A little linear, but not a style of map we see too often. I like it.

map07: lol get that chainsaw out of the way. For people like me who always use "always change weapon" that would piss me off to no end. Rofl @ exit, nice. The slime pool should be lined with a horizontal metal, not vertical, looks kinda odd. Cool bfg placement/get strategy.

map08: A ssg where the shotgun in front of the shotgun in front of the silver door would be a good placement. Try breaking those ceiling metal lights and staggering say 4 around the roof instead of side by side. Also, 2 floors you have going out of the pool roof need rethinking.

map09: Leave this, this is cool

map10: these ashwall stairs could be shaped a little more naturally. Lol rape cave with a plasma rifle. This map is really plain compared to the others, a little flat along the walls and open. Might be fun to play though. The elevator should not have metal ceiling lights as the platform!

That's all for now. Overall these look like fun maps, hopefully we can run these on nitro!
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Offline Doomkid

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Re: New Deathmatch WAD v0.9 [ZMatch 2013]
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2013, 01:54:02 »
Incredible feedback. Exactly what I needed, thanks a ton!

I'm keeping the floating lights though.. I just like them for some reason.

EDIT: I've taken everything you've said into account, and I think I've made a better product:

If anyone wants to host a server with this, feel free. I'd love to see these get some play time, now that the balance has been improved. Thanks again for such an in depth review, it was a lot of help!

EDIT #2: I'd say this still isn't -quite- the 1.0 version, as I may make another revision. Even more testing shows that I either need less ammo (as pointed out) or have item respawn turned off and amm doubled.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 18:33:46 by Doomkid »
Part of the Oceanian Doomers Club