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Topic: Doom wads for XBox port  (Read 19095 times)

Offline Lethal

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Doom wads for XBox port
« on: September 15, 2010, 11:38:05 »
I am new to this scene.  And, I can not find a copy of Doom 2 for the xbox1 anywhere (not even on ebay)!  Could somebody PLEASE, create a torrent, and let me know where it is seeded at.  

Thank you in advance for the time in effort to grow the scene.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 23:25:06 by Ralphis »

Offline Hekksy

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Re: Doom 2 Torrent, Please!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 15:25:25 »
Odamex itself is free, however you have to buy Doom2 because it is still commercially sold by id software.

We will NEVER freely give away Doom2 and will not endorse any kind of pirating for it.

Until you buy Doom, feel free to use shareware doom (doom1.wad) or freedoom

EDIT: And in case you were confused, you need to buy Doom2 for PC or MAC so you can get doom2.wad from the installation. Xbox Doom2 from Doom 3: Collector's Edition and Doom 3:RoE will not work.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 15:27:42 by HeX9109 »
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Offline Lethal

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Re: Doom 2 Torrent, Please!
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 19:17:56 »
Thanks for the help!  Again, I am new here.  But this is the article that has confused me.

"Odamex v0.5.0 - DOOM Mod for Xbox 1

Hyper_Eye has just released Odamex v0.5.0 for Xbox1. Odamex is a modification of DOOM to allow players to compete with each other over the Internet using the client/server architecture.

What is Odamex?
Odamex is a modification of DOOM to allow players to compete with each other
over the Internet using the client/server architecture. Odamex also provides
a feature-rich single-player engine.
Please see the general README provided with Odamex for a thorough description
of Odamex and its features.

Xbox Features at a Glance:
* Supports all online game modes and features that are available on other platforms
* Game launcher with server browser and solo launcher with wad selector
* Multiple wad search paths can be configured
* Complete analog Xbox controller support with configurable axis assignments, turn sensitivity, optional freelook, and configurable button bindings
* Support for USB mouse and keyboard
* Saved games and configuration files are stored in UDATA and TDATA paths so they integrate properly with the official memory manager as well as homebrew dashboards complete with icons
* Saved games can be deleted using the memory manager
* Saved games can be copied to and from a memory card
* Vanilla 320x200 resolution, multiple SDTV resolutions including 480i, and HDTV resolutions up to 720p are supported

* Virtual (On-Screen) Keyboard
* Configurable overscan in launcher
* Rumble
* Use a DVD as a wad source
* Further optimization (Improve 720p performance)

Official Site:"

I have Doom 3 on xbox1.  How can I use your program to play this online?


Offline Hekksy

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Re: Doom 2 Torrent, Please!
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 22:47:02 »
You can't. Odamex is for the CLASSIC Doom engine. Doom 3 uses a 100% different engine from the one Odamex was built from.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 18:00:00 by HeX9109 »
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Offline HyperEye

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Re: Doom 2 Torrent, Please!
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 23:22:33 »
Hey Lethal. Odamex is a Doom source port. It is not specifically a modification to Doom on Xbox but a modification to the Doom engine in general. What you will need to play this on the Xbox is Odamex built for Xbox and the regular PC Doom wads. You will take the Doom wads (Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, etc.) and you will put them into the Odamex folder on Xbox. You will then be able to load them. As was stated, Doom is not free and we will not provide wads to you.

If you own a version of Doom3 that contains classic Doom you can use these wads with Odamex for single-player. You will need to extract them from the disc by placing the disc in the Xbox and copying them to your computer and then back to Odamex on the Xbox or you can copy them from the disc to the Odamex folder using a file browser like the one contained within XBMC. You can find the wads in "\base\classic\w". There are two iwads there and then a folder containing the master levels. Again, these wads will work for single-player only! They do not perfectly match the PC wads. If you want to play online you will need the correct version of the wads and that means obtaining the PC wads.

I hope that helps.

Offline Lethal

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Re: Doom wads for XBox port
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2010, 02:52:06 »

Thanks again for the help.  I get it now.  But now that I do, I have to ask if you see modern warfare 2 wads in Odamex's near future.  If not, that's cool.  You guys have already taught me alot.


Ant P.

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Re: Doom wads for XBox port
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2010, 12:34:44 »
If you're willing to do a TC of this Modern Warfare 2 to the Doom 2 engine, then maybe.