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Topic: mIRC Script Launches Odamex and Connects  (Read 8529 times)

Offline Hekksy

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mIRC Script Launches Odamex and Connects
« on: September 03, 2016, 20:39:12 »
Hi everyone!

I made a script for mIRC that parses odamex:// and allows you to click it to connect to odamex servers from mIRC. It is pretty neat and I wanted to share it all with you!

To use it, open mIRC and at the top hit the "Scripts Editor" button and go to "Remote." From there start a new line and copy/paste the script in. Afterword simply doubleclick an odamex:// link and it will ask for a path to odamex.exe. Tell mIRC your path and it will connect to the server for you.


Code: [Select]
on ^*:hotlink:$(odamex://*):*: { }

on *:hotlink:*:*: {
  if ($pos($1, odamex://, 1) == 1) {
    if ($isfile(%swi.odal.strPath)) {
      run $chr(32) $+ %swi.odal.strPath $+ $chr(32) +connect $remove($1, odamex://))
    else {
      set %swi.odal.strPath $$input(Path to Odamex executable:, eo, odamex Link, %swi.odal.strPath)

The script is a modification of the one created by swiNg for Quakeworld. You can find his script and more information about it here:
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