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Topic: Widowers Weekly Duel  (Read 19933 times)

Offline Widow3r

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Widowers Weekly Duel
« on: February 08, 2017, 16:17:30 »
Hello everyone, in an effort to be more active in the Odamex community I wanted to start this tournament up, hopefully, as a result, we all can continue to grow and be as active as we can.

If you are up to the challenge go ahead and signup here


Both players must be using Odamex, whether on doomseker or not, but Odamex, I realize that there is no way of proving this, but please keep in mind, the purpose of this tournament is to promote Odamex.

Participants, must agree on which server they want to play on(Odamex servers only), this is to avoid people using ping as an excuse for losing, I will say it now!, I will NOT, accept any excuses of lag,drop shots etc. Players are completely held responsoble for their actions and thus the server. You are not going to get a second chance, and all results are final(with obviouse exceptions such as playing a cheater and what not)

Players, must use the same name on here as when they duel on Odamex, I cannot control if someone else plays a match for you, so make sure, your name is unique, and noobody else has access to it

At least one player, preferibly both, and in the future a third person, must be recording their match, this is to handle any cheaters in a swift and easy manner, please note, I will only use video proof as a determinate in figuring out if someone has cheated or behaved poorly. With that said, please make the video viewable, if your intent is to show player abuse through chat,  please make sure the text in the video is also legible and it is  clearly understood

Players must not, talk to eachother during the match, match must run smoothly, there is no such thing as three strkes your out, players
are allowed to type a glhf and gg after and before the game but that is it,  if it is harder for some, I suggest muting messages, during the game, so as to not feel provoked.

Each player must keep a copy of their dialog prior to starting their match,  and send it to my IRC Name Widower. With this I will be able to verify all the things talked about above.

Any player is allowed, no matter their history or their status, let me the td, deal with cheating and other cases, your priority as a player is
to play your game, best to focus on this than anything else

Lastly, Be On Time, this is to avoid tournament players having to wait for matches, I want this tournament to run as smoothly as possible.

Please, as stated clearly on, arrive half and hour before your match, I will be doing a roll call 30 minutes prior to the time of the actual touranment.

 Please note, nobody can talk for you,  I will NOT accept a, my friend said he is running late, players need to speak up for themselves

As a new TD, I hope this can run as smoothly as possible, and hopefully I can improve as time goes on. Thank you in advance for signing up.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 18:36:33 by Widow3r »

Offline Hekksy

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Re: Widowers Weekly Duel
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 23:57:02 »
Both players must be using Odamex, whether on doomseker or not, but Odamex, I realize that there is no way of proving this

Players must post demos?
Join the Odamex Steam group!
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Offline capodecima

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Re: Widowers Weekly Duel
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2017, 06:06:40 »
I know you are nice guy i met you in game. But you need some general knmowledge about game and how it works.

Both players must be using Odamex, whether on doomseker or not, but Odamex, I realize that there is no way of proving this, but please keep in mind, the purpose of this tournament is to promote Odamex.

This is just bullshit. Here is link about multiplayer doom go read it pleas.

About the tournament you are missing so many things.
But i can give you some fast info about how to run tournament bcz its always a good idea.

1. first search for players, you are uknown to many players, but in general its just best start tournament already when you have some people spoken with

2. You need real rules not some "ppl cant talk during game" its just bullshit

- here you can see how proffesional league/tournament run like , noobdy want from you run tournaments on this level from start (its almost impossible) but you got many ideas and a lot things ppl already discovered and works...

- register on you got also a lot infos there and the forums active there, try promote your tournaments there and disscrus with players there, this forum is pretty much dead...

- remember run tournaments is hard, it take a lot of pattience and skills run tournaments sucessfuly, remember just start the tournament small, with stable people, with good rules...

« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 06:11:42 by capodecima »

Offline Widow3r

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Re: Widowers Weekly Duel
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2017, 11:42:17 »
Hey Capo, thank you for the responce, I realize that making a tournament is hard work, and maybe it is something I did off impulse of being back in doom. I thank you for the critique and the advice,

In short, my last question would be, after I register on doomleague what would be my next step, that will get me closer to running a tournament on Odamex, and contributing to this port. Should I post a thread on doomleague to check who would be willing to play and maybe assist a little and then just go by the rules that I will find on the links you provided?

Either way, guess I will be putting this tournament ond hold, thanks again for the adice.