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Topic: Mouse Settings  (Read 14370 times)

Offline Hekksy

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Mouse Settings
« on: September 17, 2019, 14:44:54 »
Odamex defaults to the same mouse system as used by Vanilla Doom 2, and is designed for players to migrate their settings to Odamex. However, many players are from ZDoom or ZDoom-derived ports, and thus might run into issues trying to figure out the Odamex mouse. I have created this thread as an attempt to help solve some headaches for migrating players.

First, change your mouse settings either in the Odamex console or odamex.cfg to match these:

Code: [Select]
mouse_type 1                 // sets the mouse type to ZDoom
m_yaw 1
m_pitch 1
m_side 2                           // has to do with strafing. The default is 2 and should not be changed
m_filter 0                         // applies smooth mouse movement. Try it on and off to find what you like. I personally have it off
m_forward 0                    // turns off the mouse moving you forward when you move the mouse up. This is enforced in Vanilla Doom but most players turn it off
mouse_acceleration 0    //Makes the mouse move faster the more you move it. Was in Vanilla Doom but I recommend to turn it off to make the mouse feel more consistent
mouse_threshold 0        //idk wtf this does but it was in Vanilla Doom
mouse_sensitivity 1      // The default mouse sensitivity in ZDoom. It might not be perfectly 1:1 but it should give you an idea of what to change. This is the setting that should be modified for while the others remain the same
r_painintensity .1         //Turns down the red blood when you get shot. Some servers enforce it though.

After you have made these changes, try adjusting just mouse_sensitivity up and down to find a comfortable level.

I hope this helps!
« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 21:30:13 by Hekksy »
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Offline SuwaFoughtenField

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Re: Mouse Settings
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2021, 10:04:20 »
It works perfectly, thanks, I had been stuck for a while...