Greetings everyone,
Given the upcoming 0.8.0 (which arrives really soon), I think it'll be time to make sure to know for the community a PWADs/MegaWADs compatibility list that are guaranteed to work with Odamex.
If you add a WAD to the list, please write the following details, so that it can give the developers better hints in tracking some errors :
• Can it run without having a crash ?
• Does it have errors in the console ? (i.e. missing or incompatible lumps)
• Can it be played in solo fine ? In multiplayer ? And, can it be fully completable ?
• (OPTIONAL - if vanilla-compatible) Can vanilla demos be playbacked ?
• (OPTIONAL) additionnal infos you might tell us
That way, we could also add entries to the Wiki, so that everyone could be aware of what's working, and what's probably not.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 04:34:36 by Ch0wW »

Your friendly BaseQ admin. :P