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Topic: Video Games Live  (Read 10593 times)

Offline Zaranell

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Video Games Live
« on: January 14, 2007, 21:58:44 »
Last night I went and saw Video Games Live, and lemme tell ya: it was awesome.  It was easily the best show I've ever seen; it had incredible music from awesome games, laser and light shows, cool events, awe-inducing choirs with amazing vocals ... it was a blast.

At one point they had a guy come up on stage to play Space Invaders on the big screen, and they gave him a shirt which had the little ship that you control on the back.  What they did was give him a button to fire and tracked his movements on stage so that were he moved, the ship moved.  It was really funny to watch him play like that.  Meanwhile, the orchestra played the music of the game and sped up accordingly whenever the aliens got faster.

Another portion had two guys taking seperate turn playing Frogger, and the orchestra played the music in accordance to what was happening on screen in real-time.  As soon as one of them died, the music stopped, and then the orchestra started playing again, so it was a really neat little touch.

At times they played music for games I had never played, liked, or even heard of; still, every segment was pure bliss.  They had one guy come up and play Final Fantasy songs on the piano, which was awesome enough.  Later in the show, they had him come up on stage and perform the Mario theme song blindfolded - and he didn't miss a single note.  Once he did that song, he took off the blindfold and played what was either the Super Mario World or the Yoshi's Island music pretty fast.  After about half a minute of it, he played the sound you hear when you have 100 seconds left, and played even faster, to which the crowd (myself included) cheered and applauded.

All in all, it was a night that I'll remember for years and years to come, and I'll definitely see it again if it ever shows up in Arizona.  I cannot recommend this enough; if VGL shows up in an area near you, go and see it!  Trust me, it's well worth it.
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Offline Ralphis

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Re: Video Games Live
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 04:20:35 »
VGL always interested me since I'd like to break into the business one day. I met one of the people that are involved in it once and he was kind of a prick. But that's ok!