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General Discussion / OdaHook

« on: February 07, 2007, 09:25:18 »
  You being of doom community probably know who I am.  I recently was being approached for a OdaHook.  I have not made this but someone has it

My friend want use odahook and wear out me his question about odahook
I will not name who sent this so no even ask.

I will never make hacks for odamex.  The only reason I made my others to see if other ports would realise closed source is not good.  It only took sthook in a few hours with my knowledge of zdoom so as long as a zdoom codebase it is not to be secure.  I think though my hacks only convinced them more closed source works someway.

So why I came here to tell you that there is most likely hack for odamex.  If you think it will help I can send you the source for my hacks.  If you just give them to zdaemon let me know and I will just open source them if you want look.

If you plan on securing odamex with open source I have suggestion.  Don't trust client for detection ever!  In open source this would easily be passed.  Instead look for perfect setting of the angles on server.  This could be worked around of course by chaning aim to bad occasionally.  Also if you could send extra players to a client and make them always behind wall or off map it could confuse hacks.  They would need look exactly like normal players of course on scoreboard and sometimes be visible in lag most likely.  Duplicate opponents would be most hard to detect.

I read the message again and could I be wrong?  Message is hard for me to read.
Hello. When you build OdaHook for Odamex?
My friend want use odahook and wear out me his question about odahook ("Do
not builded?", "You know: where odahook was been created" and many other
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