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Messages - Hekksy

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 14

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Odamex editing features

« on: March 21, 2012, 22:44:09 »
For now, some ZDoom 1.23 in order to be compatible with the more important multiplayer Doom mods. Beyond that, Odamex will probably be going its own way with editing features. Of course, nothing is set in stone.

Developer's Corner / Re: Unofficial Release

« on: March 20, 2012, 13:01:40 »
Once again a new version to improve the mouse code. I accidentally skipped a revision when importing the new mouse code into 0.5.6... Sorry!

Technical Support / Re: Linux client exits, returns nothing

« on: March 04, 2012, 17:15:19 »
The midi issue is not a problem on Linux. I think your problem is that you forgot to install timidity, so it has no music playback device.

Technical Support / Re: Linux client exits, returns nothing

« on: March 04, 2012, 11:54:56 »
Try doing ./odamex -nomusic. Does it start?

General Discussion / Re: Mouse settings archive selection of sorts

« on: February 28, 2012, 20:45:27 »
mouse_type 1 (ZDoom)
m_pitch 1
m_yaw 1
mouse_acceleration 0
m_forward 0
mouse_sensitivity 1.275
mouse_threshold 0
m_filter 0
m_side 2

Bandwidth = 6.0 MBPS
Position Update Freq. = Every Tic
cl_interp 1
Weapon adjustment = on
Predict weapon = off
Predict sectors = on

r_painintensity .2

Developer's Corner / Re: Unofficial (latest version)

« on: February 27, 2012, 23:54:22 »
First post updated with new version

Developer's Corner / Unofficial Release

« on: February 24, 2012, 03:00:57 »
So I decided that we could use an unofficial build to hold us over until the epic release 0.6. What I did was take the 0.5.6 source and starting adding in code from the 0.6 development branch that did not modify the netcode or odamex.wad in any way.

Here is a changelog. Despite not being an official release, some of these changes ripped from 0.6-dev are pretty awesome!

Code: [Select]
Fixed: Spynext shaking as a result of EarthQuake accidently being called. (r2602 & r2655)
Fixed: Angle calculation errors with co_silentrespawns. (r2613, r2614, and r2615)
Fixed: An issue with the player's view jumping when changing resolutions (r2619)
Added: hud_scaletext. Scale with a factor of 1 - 5 (1 being original size). Default is 2. (2621)
Fixed: Some CTF scoreboard numbers being overwritten. (r2629)
Fixed: Console asliases could not contain any uppercase letters. (r2638)
Added: Enhanced ZDoom mouse option. With this option, you can import settings from ZDoom. It will even automatically scale ZDoom and Doom settings to and from each other. (r2649, r2650, r2694, r2695, and r2750)
Modified: "Game is full" now only displays when the player tries to join a full game. Also "Press USE to join" no longer displays when the game is full. (r2654)
Fixed: Prevent client segfaults from occuring when the client does not receive the message to spawn its player object until after the start of the level. (r2662)
Added: The bind for Turn180. (r2666)
Fixed: DEHACKED patch height (r2782)
Fixed: Picking up a flag should have the brief yellow screen flash, like picking up other Doom items. (2788)
Added: A HUD timer on the fullscreen HUD
==========Updated for
Fixed: Scale the printing of target names on the screen according to hud_scaletext. (r2802)
Fixed: Scale the printing of the 'Press USE to join' overlay message according to hud_scaletext. (r2803)
==========Updated for
Modified: Missed some important mouse code that dr_sean pointed out. (r2712)
Modified: sv_ticbuffer is now defauled to 1 on the server. (r2815)
Added: kpup, down, left, right, and enter can be bound now. (r2820)
Modified: co_allowdropoff is supposed to always be disabled for vanilla demos. (r2828)

All of these changes *should* be compatible for playing on 0.5.6 servers. Remember this build is NOT endorsed by the odamex team and is NOT official. This product includes NO warranty etc.

Update Zip - For those that want to do a quickie install over 0.5.6.

Full install - The big package for those of you who that have yet to install Odamex. This build even contains a small update to odamex.wad, updated flag pole sprites! Also note this build comes bundled with Doomseeker.

Nitro Zone / Nitro #27 - Velocity CTF

« on: February 23, 2012, 20:41:02 »

We would like to use this opportunity to allow the Odamex community to experience the final version of Velocity CTF! If you have not checked out Velocity yet, shame on you! However you can use this opportunity to play what is in my opinion the most polished CTF map pack since the original zdctfmp. I hope you all enjoy!

WAD: Velocity CTF
Maps: 12 (1-12)
Mode: 12 player CTF (6vs6)
5 points || 15 minute time limit
Server: CoffeeNet - DTX1 & MWI1
Date: Saturday, February 25th 2012 @ 8pm EDT

Technical Support / Re: Problems regarding connection

« on: February 15, 2012, 14:28:46 »
If you want to play Odamex, you need to install it and tell Doomseeker where it is. You can find it on the downloads section.

This forum is not for Skulltag support. We have no affiliation to Skulltag other than also being powered by the Doom engine.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 09, 2012, 11:10:38 »
So many improvements have come to these maps over the course of a couple weeks :)

Here are some details I noticed about rc1fix.wad

Code: [Select]
map02: You added the teleporter, great! But the entire wall needs to be redetailed now due to misaligned textures on walls that are different sizes.
map04: There is a rocket launcher right in front of the lift. Can you move it? That is an annoying spot for people trying to escape on a port that forces autoswitch.
map06: The switch textures behind the gates do not animate. Just replace them with a grey regular switch so that people do not get confused.
map07: How do you get the rocket launcher behind the wall in the middle of the map?!?
map08: Again: autoswitch. Get rid of the weapons in the middle of walk paths. Try to keep them out of the way so people running with the flag are not screwed trying to defend themselves.

Nitro Zone / Nitro #25 - Staph1 FFA

« on: February 09, 2012, 02:14:35 »

I would like to dedicate Nitro #25 to one of the lead developers, Dr_Sean. He showed up from nowhere about a year ago and started fixing Odamex bugs like a madman. Before he became a full-time Odamex developer, he and some of his work buddies worked on a 6-map deathmatch set called staph1.wad. It may only be 6 maps, but these 6 maps are fantastic for large or small games, and do not get old fast being rotated.

Thanks for all your hard work Sean :)

WAD: Staph1
Maps: 6 (map01-06)
Mode: 10 player FFA
Fraglimit 100
Server: CoffeeNet - DTX1 & MWI1
Date: Saturday, February 11th 2012 @ 8pm EDT

Maps, Wads and Mods / Private vs Public CTF

« on: February 06, 2012, 17:06:27 »
So I've come to the conclusion that using IDL2012 as a base for odactfmp public CTF map pack was a bad idea. Why? Most of the maps are best suited for 3vs3, rather than 5vs5/6vs6/8vs8 that most public servers enable. The map pack was supposed to be the pack that kept players in the servers for hours with long games where people can quit/join whenever without the server dying down much.

So I plan to modify the structure a bit. I don't know if I want to make two seperate map packs, or just divide the maps so that, for example, map01 - map20 would be pub, and map21 - map40 would be maps better suited for private CTF.

Here is the maplist, and what I personally think the maps are best suited for:

Code: [Select]
map01 - zdctfmp map01 - Priv
map02 - zdctfmp map02 - Priv
map03 - zdctfmp map03 - Priv
map04 - osctfmp- map05 - Pub
map05 - chaoscore map01 - Priv
map06 - 32in24-4 map01 - Pub
map07 - zdctfmp map07  - both
map08 - zdctfmp map08 - after that last IDL round, neither
map09 - IDL Contest 07 - pub
map10 - IDL Contest 21 - pub
map11 - zdctfmp2 map11 - pub
map12 - 32in24-4 map16 - pub
map13 - 32in24-4 map13 - pub
map14 - 32in24-4 map09 - priv
map15 - zdctfmp2 map15 - pub
map16 - zdctfmp2 map16 - priv
map17 - 32in24-4 map17 - priv
map18 - odactf1 map02 - both
map19 - IDL Contest 20 - both
map20 - zdectfmp2 map01 - priv
map21 - 32in24-4 map08 - priv
map22 - 32in24-7 map22 - pub
map23 - zdectfmp- map02 - pub
map24 - IDL Contest 10 - pub
map25 - odactf1 map04 - pub
map26 - zdctfmp3- map26 - both
map27 - bpctf map26 - pub
map28 - chaoscore map11 - both
map29 - zdectfmp2 map19 - both
map30 - zductf map30 - priv
map31 - 32in24-4 map31 - priv
map32 - 32in24-7 map27 - priv

Thoughts? What do you think the maps are better suited for? What maps should be replaced by other maps? Do you recommend any maps that are better suited for public CTF?

Nitro Zone / Nitro #24 - Gothic Deathmatch Double Feature

« on: February 02, 2012, 22:46:20 »

Let's think of a classic set of maps that are underplayed despite being totally awesome. Hmmmmmm. GOT IT! Gothic Deathmatch & Gothic Deathmatch II.

WAD: Gothicdm & Gothic2
Maps: 32 (map01-32) (both wads)
Mode: 12 player FFA
Server: CoffeeNet - DTX1 & MWI1
Date: Saturday, February 4th 2012 @ 8pm EDT

Nitro Zone / Re: Nitro #23 - Exec FFA

« on: February 01, 2012, 13:02:54 »
You already missed it foo. This was last week's.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 01, 2012, 01:05:49 »
I finally got the chance to play a few of these maps. Map03 and map09 are excellent maps.
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