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Topics - Manc

Pages: 1 [2]

Devoblog / Database Woes

« on: November 10, 2006, 08:17:02 »
So yeah you probably came here earlier and noticed strangeness with accessing most features.  There's still some funky mysql server stuff going on that I THOUGHT I curbed but it's not really doing much better than before.  The process to fix it is going to be a bit daunting as I personally don't care for messing around with the server software, but I guess I have little choice.  I hope maybe some time this weekend will come my way.

Devoblog / So what's up with the site?

« on: November 01, 2006, 23:35:27 »
So yeah some things are still not working right now, but we wanted to get something up and going to generate interest.  In other words, you need not worry about letting me know if something is 404 or not working quite right for now.  Once I get back to adding features I'll ask you guys for a bit of site testing.


Devoblog / The wiki is open!

« on: October 31, 2006, 19:12:11 »
The Odawiki is now available for public consumption!  We encourage everyone to help make it better, since that's what wikis are all about.  To edit on the wiki you will need to be registered on the message boards.  Your message board account will become your "odamex site account" in due time, but for now as long as you've registered on here you can log in to Odawiki.

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