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Messages - Dred

Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Re: Good first release. but some ?'s

« on: January 21, 2007, 02:23:01 »
ok i guess i read into what you said in your first post more than i should have. I thought you were infering a fundamental flaw in the gameplay due to the network code. like i dunno plasma grab not working or something that the network code was directly effecting in the gameplay. obviously lag is always going to be an issue. When you guys develop this more it will be interesting to see how you try to do things differently.



General Discussion / Re: Good first release. but some ?'s

« on: January 20, 2007, 16:47:47 »
"The net code is almost entirely different from what we started with and we aim to improve upon it without impairing important aspects of Doom game play."

I found what you said above quite interesting. How does the network code impair the aspects of the game? could you give me an example.

This what i want to know. if we rule out lag and rule out doom2 source port engine differences and we just look at the networking code.

How does using udp packets VS the ipx protocol in doom2 effect the game? assuming you were both using the same doom2 source port and were both on a lan. except one game used udp packets and the other used oldschool ipx what would be different in the gameplay?


General Discussion / Good first release. but some ?'s

« on: January 20, 2007, 14:27:35 »
Well i just want to say nice job on releasing this port and the website. The networking code was a lot better than i thought it would be. However i was have some questions about the source. I was a little disappointed when someone told it was based on zdoom or csdoom. The reason is that i feel like you guys are gonna run into all the pitfalls zdaemon team has already fixed. I was hoping this was gonna be based on a completely different port (prboom for example) so it would be more unique...

So my questions are.
Did you guys think about using a different port besides zdoom?

I see your trying to make it doom2.exe lmp compatible. Does this mean that this port in future releases will be more exactly like doom2.exe than zdaemon?

Since this just released and your using an older source (csdoom). How long do you think it will take you to catch up with zdaemon in terms of fixing holes that are already patched in zdaemon  and possibly making more true to doom2.exe?

I am sure i have more questions but they escape me at the moment. Otherwise i like seeing alternatives taking things in a different direction. good luck with your port.
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