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Messages - Dr. Sean

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Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Chaindude's Odamex announcer

« on: July 06, 2012, 11:37:11 »
Soul: you can make it easier by replacing the ctf sfx with a short silent sound file, which would effectively silence the odamex.wad ctf sfx.

Developer's Corner / Re: Win64 Build works fine

« on: July 05, 2012, 14:34:31 »
You likely have the Debug build type selected, which in my experience tends to generate much, much larger executables than the Release build type.
Aside from that, being the lazy as fuck mapper I am, maybe change some of the stuff that causes the purple lines in textures. I think there is a certain w/h textures have to be, can't remember, but all I know is that other ports don't throw a huge purple line in the tex.

In Odamex 0.6.0, if a texture's height isn't 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128, you will get the "tutti-frutti bug" you described.  This has been fixed for Odamex 0.6.1, though it's probably good policy to adhere to the power-of-two texture heights.  Odamex 0.6.1 does not yet have a fix for the tutti-frutti bug that occurs with texture heights >= 255 however.

Technical Support / Re: Making MIDI suck less on Linux (howto)

« on: May 28, 2012, 23:30:34 »
That's good info!  Timidity's default patches are pretty much a crime against nature and are part of the reason I don't listen to music while playing.

Technical Support / Re: 0.6 Launcher, changes?

« on: May 14, 2012, 08:13:31 »
wxIntPtr is a data type that is defined in versions of wxWidgets > 2.8.11.  I had to upgrade wxWidgets recently to compile Odalauncher.  If you have a Debian or Ubuntu based OS, is a helpful tutorial on adding a more up-to-date wxWidgets repository.

If upgrading wxWidgets is not practical, you can add the following bit of code to the top of odalaunch/src/lst_custom.cpp, which will define the wxIntPtr type on older versions of wxWidgets.

Code: [Select]
/* Versions before 2.8.11 dont' have wxIntPtr defined */
#ifndef wxIntPtr
/* normal case */
typedef unsigned long wxUIntPtr;
typedef long wxIntPtr;
/* Win64 case */
typedef size_t wxUIntPtr;
#define wxIntPtr ssize_t

General Discussion / Re: Debian package article help?

« on: April 29, 2012, 10:36:17 »
It seems that the skel.tar.gz either moved or was discontinued.  I think this was a third party package put together by a member of the Odamex community as I am unfamiliar with it.

Are you looking to just compile Odamex or are you looking to build a .deb package?


Technical Support / Re: ZDoom-derived Ports & Mouse Information

« on: April 26, 2012, 13:12:28 »
I'm interested in seeing if mouse response time can be improved despite the locked framerate. Is this possible?

This should theoretically be possible but not without some effort.  It would definitely change the feel of the mouse away from the original Doom feel.  If there's enough desire for that, I'll look into it for 0.6.x, but it would be a pretty big paradigm shift and it would have to be implemented in such a manner that the 35Hz input polling would be undisturbed and set as default.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: April 23, 2012, 22:58:32 »
Sweet!  I just added a few of the more straight-forward Velocity I maps to my server's rotation and plan on gradually introducing my regulars to the rest of Velocity I.  I'd look forward to Velocity II even if you weren't planning to raise the bar!

Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6 Preview #5 - We Don't Need Roads

« on: April 03, 2012, 13:58:14 »
whoa whoa whoa, where is the original demo format going? Odamex isn't losing compatibility with that is it?

Vanilla Doom demos are definitely in tact.  In fact, every time we commit a chunk of code to our source repository, an automated test is run using dozens of vanilla demos to ensure we did not break compatibility with vanilla Doom.

General Discussion / Re: Clan DFA

« on: March 30, 2012, 17:47:13 »
Getting some life back into the clan scene, Naut!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Any interest in a community wad?

« on: March 27, 2012, 12:22:06 »
I need to get a Dr. Sean clone going so that I can jump aboard some of these mapping projects

Nitro Zone / Re: Nitro #30 - 32in24-5 FFA

« on: March 14, 2012, 13:31:18 »
Reordering the maps is a smart move!

General Discussion / Re: Mouse settings archive selection of sorts

« on: February 28, 2012, 16:18:39 »
And for my own mouse settings:

mouse_type 0 (Doom)
mouse_sensitivity 5.5
m_pitch 0.275
mouse_acceleration 0
m_side 0 (Horizontal movement)
m_forward 0 (Vertical movement)

My mouse_sensitivity value is very low due to my high-dpi mouse.  Probably a better way to compare mouse sensitivity between different players/mice is to measure how far the mouse must be moved to rotate the player 360 degrees.  In my case, I move the mouse 11cm for 360 degrees.

General Discussion / Re: Mouse settings archive selection of sorts

« on: February 28, 2012, 15:02:08 »
For a reference point, the default mouse settings for 0.6 are going to be using the Doom mouse type with overall sensitivity of 35 and m_pitch (vertical sensitivity) of 0.25.  These are identical to the defaults for other ZDoom based ports of sensitivity 1.0 and m_pitch 1.0.

General Discussion / Re: A serious TDM league

« on: February 19, 2012, 21:25:05 »
The thing that would be the most interesting IMO would be map choice.  Would the league feature maps that have team spawns or would they be standard DM maps?  I think there is ample opportunity to create new maps that would really highlight team dynamics (forgive me if you've already done this with your ST league...) and make TDM differ from FFA.
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