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Messages - Dr. Sean

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Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6.4 Released

« on: August 06, 2013, 10:02:14 »
where can i look changelog?

Bond, here is a more complete list of changes. Also, no changes were made to the networking protocol.

Code: [Select]
    + Added vid_maxfps CVAR to allow frame rates greater than 35. Users can cap to an arbitrary frame rate or have completely uncapped frame rates. Interpolation between game logic states is used for frame rates other than 35.
    - Removed r_widescreen CVAR.
    + Added vid_widescreen CVAR (default = 0) to indicate the user prefers a wide field-of-view.
    + Pillar boxing is used in place of horizontal stretching.
    + Letter boxing is used in 4:3 video modes with wide field-of-view.
    * Fix an autoaim bug that ignored a client's cl_aimdist setting when using freelook.
    + Add the -timedemo commandline parameter to gauge rendering speed. The speed of the physics can be gauged by additionally including the -nodraw parameter. The impact of the screen blitting can be gauged with the additional -noblit parameter.
    * Fix the frame rate decrease that occurs when a player is looking directly at a very close wall and they are using a screen width that is a power-of-two (512, 1024, 2048, etc.).
    * Fix obituaries for rocket deaths. The obituary for splash damage was swapped with the obituary for direct hits.
    + Added support for raw mouse input for Windows. This provides unaccelerated mouse input even when SDL is unable to (Windows Vista / 7 / 8). This is now the default for Windows users.
    + Add an additional small fix for a vanilla bug with co_blockmapfix enabled. Ignore the first entry in a block's list of lines, since it is not valid and typically is linedef 0.
    + Add support for ZDoom in Doom format horizon lines (special #337).
    * Fix CPU slowdowns when PortMidi tries to play a section of a MIDI song that has more than 100 events in the span of one tic (28ms).
    + Add support for the ZDoom DeHackEd weapon extensions "Ammo use" and "Min ammo" and "Ammo per shot" from Eternity.
    * Change the ammo usage per shot for railguns to match "Ammo use" and change weapons if the railgun does not have "Min ammo". Note that if the DeHackEd patch that implements the railgun does not otherwise specify, the railgun will use the amount of ammo per shot as the weapon it replaces.
    * Fix a bug that sent all team chat messages to spectators on the same team.
    * Change the default color of team chat messages from green to orange.
    * Fix freezes with maps requiring large numbers of TID, such as dvii-1u.wad MAP19.
    * Fix a bug that would use the past position of the wrong player when performing reconciliation with sv_unlag under certain circumstances. This could be seen by flags dropping at the location of players besides the flag carrier in CTF.


General Discussion / Setting up SR-50

« on: August 05, 2013, 19:33:13 »
This guide assumes a player is using the common WASD configuration for their movement keys, configured with the following:
Code: [Select]
bind W +forward
bind S +back
bind A +moveleft
bind D +moveright

Players should choose the method that they feel comfortable with, modify the key binding to match their movement layout, and then paste into the bottom of odamex.cfg.

Old School
Usage: The player will SR-40 to the right with W & D and then SR-50 by holding down the second mouse button and moving the mouse continuously to the right.

Code: [Select]
bind mouse2 +strafe
set m_side 15

Three Key
Usage: The player will SR-40 to the right with W & D but will also hold down a third key, Q, to SR-50 to the right. Similarly, the player will hold down W & A & E to SR-50 to the left.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50l_3key "+left\;+strafe"
alias -sr50l_3key "-left\;-strafe"
alias +sr50r_3key "+right\;+strafe"
alias -sr50r_3key "-right\;-strafe"
bind Q +sr50r_3key
bind E +sr50l_3key

Two Key
Usage: The player holds down W to move forward and then holds down a second key, E, to SR-50 to the right, or Q to SR-50 to the left.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50l_2key "+left\;+moveleft\;+strafe"
alias -sr50l_2key "-left\;-moveleft\;-strafe"
alias +sr50r_2key "+right\;+moveright\;+strafe"
alias -sr50r_2key "-right\;-moveright\;-strafe"
bind Q +sr50l_2key
bind E +sr50r_2key

One Key
Usage: The player holds down E to SR-50 to the right and Q to SR-50 to the left. While moving backwards, the player holds Z to SR-50 to the back and left, and holds C to SR-50 to the back and right.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50fl_1key "+forward\;+moveleft\;+left\;+strafe"
alias -sr50fl_1key "-forward\;-moveleft\;-left\;-strafe"
alias +sr50bl_1key "+back\;+moveleft\;+left\;+strafe"
alias -sr50bl_1key "-back\;-moveleft\;-left\;-strafe"
alias +sr50fr_1key "+forward\;+moveright\;+right\;+strafe"
alias -sr50fr_1key "-forward\;-moveright\;-right\;-strafe"
alias +sr50br_1key "+back\;+moveright\;+right\;+strafe"
alias -sr50br_1key "-back\;-moveright\;-right\;-strafe"
bind Q +sr50fl_1key
bind E +sr50fr_1key
bind Z +sr50bl_1key
bind C +sr50br_1key

Turnspeeds Toggle
Usage: The player will SR-40 to the right with W & D and then SR-50 by holding down the second mouse button. Note that this method will require the player to press the second mouse button when first spawning to initialize the controls. If the player forgets do do this, the A and the D keys will spin the player's view instead of moving them to the left or right. Note that +sr50l_ts will take the place of the key bound to +moveleft and +sr50r_ts will take the place of the key bound to +moveright.

Code: [Select]
alias +sr50l_ts "+left\;+moveleft"
alias -sr50l_ts "-left\;-moveleft"
alias +sr50r_ts "+right\;+moveright"
alias -sr50r_ts "-right\;-moveright"
alias +sr50_ts_toggle "turnspeeds 65536\;+strafe"
alias -sr50_ts_toggle "turnspeeds 0\;-strafe"
bind A +sr50l_ts
bind D +sr50r_ts
bind mouse2 +sr50_ts_toggle


Technical Support / Re: Temporary Bug Tracker Thread

« on: July 08, 2013, 17:40:39 »
Bugzilla still down?

Bug Title: Random lockups in rend32 branch
Operating System: Linux
Odamex Version: SVN r3958
Bug Description:
Game sometimes freezes hard, can't be exited due to still grabbing keyboard/mouse.

Got a few backtraces that all look similar:

Code: [Select]

I've also gotten the same lockup a few times now and it's somewhat reproducible but I've yet to figure out exactly what's going on. I'm probably going to be ditching the rt_draw4cols code in favor of something faster in the future but I may stumble on the root cause of this in the meantime.

Edit: this bug may have been fixed by r3977. I have not had the bug crop up since that time.
I have crashes on cybercrime3.wad with this client every 3 minutes or so. I use winXP.

Under certain circumstances, I was able to produce a crash firing the railgun on another map and I traced it back to an overflow bug with rendering particles (used to draw the rail). I was able to fix that bug which I believe to be the same bug you were experiencing.
In legendary-35a.wad map01, you can look out of the base and see the rendering of things on another part of the map. This does not happen in the normal odamex client, however it does happen in the new client whether you use 32bpp rendering or 8bpp.

Screenshot provided.

r3817 fixes this bug
Slopes have a thin black line drawing around them that don't look quite right.

I believe that is related to this rendering error:

There is a thin band of red above the entryway which should not be there. It indicates either the texture is offset incorrectly or that the texture is wrapping prematurely.

Developer's Corner / Re: Highscores/Stats of some sort idea

« on: April 23, 2013, 09:29:16 »
My dream would be that the Odamex server stores stats about every shot a player fires and any game events in a big database. This would include how many SSG pellets hit a target, how much damage was done, etc.

Then anyone interested in using the stats can write a small Python or Perl program to query the database and calculate the stats they want based on the data we provide. For instance, they could calculate how accurate a player's shots are overall or how many times a player got the blue armor on a map or how many times a runner killed the enemy D.

If we eventually offer some detailed stat tracking, I would prefer that the Odamex server simply track the raw data and let 3rd parties decide what meaningful stats they want to cull from the raw data. That would allow maximum flexibility for both the Odamex dev team and the admins of whatever league or tourney wanted to gather stats.

Developer's Corner / Re: Highscores/Stats of some sort idea

« on: April 22, 2013, 18:34:16 »
I would be very much in favor of creating a very detailed stat tracking scheme and have created outlines for such before. However there are a few larger issues that need to be resolved for us first:

  • Players need to be authoritatively identified. The server needs to know you're Fluff and its not someone aliasing with the same name. (Read: username & password)
  • Which method should be used to output the stats at the end of each round? Should it be put into a plain-text file or a SQL database? Where should this data be saved to?
  • Should the stats be on a per-server basis or be universal across all Odamex servers?

These questions primarily revolve around Odamex's philosophy of not having a central authority for servers and instead letting server administrators function independently and decide what's best for themselves. Given that outlook, Odamex servers have no ties to something like a central server that maintains user accounts or a stats database. Deciding how to implement a stats tracker server within this context may prove difficult but an interesting discussion nonetheless.

General Discussion / Re: BEST Clan in Town

« on: April 11, 2013, 22:23:19 »
I have been humbled.

Technical Support / Re: Freedoom crashes at MAP30.

« on: April 07, 2013, 17:37:18 »
This bug was due to an integer overflow when calculating the length of a sound-effect. It was fixed a month ago and will be fixed in our next release.

Technical Support / Re: Ghost monsters in Coop

« on: March 09, 2013, 22:54:24 »
That's a pretty big discrepancy between the server's monster count and the client's! Odamex's current code tries to send the client messages to spawn every monster at the start of the map. For 300+ monsters, that becomes a lot of data and it has to get split up into several packets, which can sometimes cause problems with message reliability.

We're working on netcode improvements that will handle packets in a more robust manner as well as only send messages for clients to spawn monsters when the client can see them or the monster has been awakened.

Technical Support / Re: Any Plans for TERRAIN Support?

« on: March 05, 2013, 10:10:20 »
When I need a break from my bigger coding projects, I look at what is on the bug tracker to fix/implement. It serves as a handy to-do list for us, as well as a place to store relevant discussion for a feature/bug.

The take-home message is that if it's not on the tracker, we tend to forget about it. :D

Technical Support / Re: Any Plans for TERRAIN Support?

« on: March 04, 2013, 21:12:08 »
I thought I had replied to this thread before but I guess not!

It wouldn't be particularly difficult to add support for it. Up until this point, we've not had anyone show interest in the feature, but the team can certainly evaluate if it's something we want to add. Would you mind filling a feature request on the bug tracker as a reminder?

Technical Support / Re: Texture Max Width Height?

« on: March 04, 2013, 21:02:56 »
With version 0.6.2, patches can be 32768 x 32768. Prior to that version, patches could only be up to 254 pixels high. Keep in mind that if you go beyond that, your textures will have tutti-frutti issues in some other non-ZDoom based ports like Chocolate Doom, if that's a concern to you.

Devoblog / Re: Nitro Passes Its Torch

« on: February 18, 2013, 15:42:51 »
Huge thanks to HumanBones and HeX9109 for their dedication and support with establishing Nitro as a community fixture! As you guys know, keeping any league or regular event going in the Doom community requires not only perseverance but sometimes a little creative social engineering as well!

Decay, Hendrick, and Hypnotoad: The rest of the dev team and I are always available to provide technical and moral support and to bounce ideas off. Good luck guys!
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