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Messages - Necromage

Pages: [1]

Technical Support / Re: Compiling Help

« on: January 27, 2007, 12:49:12 »
I typed that and I got this: /usr/include/alsa/mixer.h So it appears that I have it.

Technical Support / Re: Compiling Help

« on: January 26, 2007, 20:53:00 »
I am using Fedora Core 6 and I got the same error.

General Discussion / Re: "Advanced Rendering"

« on: January 21, 2007, 16:02:33 »
If technology is that fast then why do I still experience lag in zdaemon or odamex? And noticeable lag at that.

General Discussion / Re: "Advanced Rendering"

« on: January 21, 2007, 15:01:04 »
Of course not, unless you are playing nuts.wad. The point I am making is that every little bit helps, especially in Odamex with all the packets that have to be dealt with. In a large game spanning multiple continents I can see it being beneficial to the performance.

General Discussion / Re: "Advanced Rendering"

« on: January 21, 2007, 14:19:24 »
Your are ignorant. Here is the reason why opengl would be good: because the way hardware rendering will allow graphics card to handle the graphics and free the cpu from having to do all the computing for the graphics. This will allow the cpu to spend more time on other things like sending and receiving packets. This will allow better performance for multilayer and will reduce the amount of bugs that occur due to high ping and lag.

General Discussion / Re: First play of Odamex. :O

« on: January 20, 2007, 13:22:12 »
I would have to agree. While coop was pretty buggy (people looked like they were running in place and doors appearing to not open when they were) it was fun to play.

General Discussion / Re: odamex woes

« on: January 19, 2007, 20:30:02 »
That fixes the problem where all the servers are treated as yours. The automatic download does not want to seem to work. Odamex OdaCTF server #1 for example just keeps warning me about duplicate packets.

General Discussion / odamex woes

« on: January 19, 2007, 16:33:01 »
I am not sure where to put this so I will put it here. I downloaded the zip for the windows version and I extracted it into its own folder. I, then started up the launcher and tried to join a server and it didn't work. The first problem is that no matter what server I try to join the console tells me that the server is [Russel] - FreeDoom Coop, whens its not. The second problem is that it then continues to try to download freedoom since I don't have it. Sometimes it will tell me it missed a few packets and then quit other times it will give me this error and then quite: CL_ParseCommands: Unkown Server message 79: 0. Its not always number 79 either, it seems to just be some random number. Then the third problem is that if I refresh the server list it will list all the servers as being [Russel] - FreeDoom Coop.

If this has been reported before then I am sorry but I couldn't traces of it anywhere else (I am not sure how to use the bug tracker).
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