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Topics - Marcus Koller

Pages: [1]

Developer's Corner / Strife Multiplayer?

« on: February 19, 2007, 09:37:30 »
I was wondering if there is going to be any source port that will finally support Strife for multiplayer. My question is, Will Odamex get the chance to allow in game joining, code work, or any source at all to be able to control and keep IN SYNC with strife servers?

Developer's Corner / Odamex In EXE format?

« on: January 21, 2007, 11:10:04 »
I can make it an installation file, if anyone is up for it. Some people may hate zips so they want shortcuts and all the other stuff too.

Technical Support / [ODAMEX 0.1A] Minor odasrv.exe errors

« on: January 21, 2007, 09:40:24 »
[ODAMEX 0.1A] Unauthorized game mode change

When I start the server of odamex and I even forced the CFG file to "Read Only" the server launches not all of the correct settings within the CFG. For example, when I start the server It starts in deathmatch mode. Even though I told it "deathmatch 0" in the CFG. It seems it igonores some settings in the CFG or I may be doing something wrong.

Here is a list of things that ARE NOT loaded from the cfg.

  • Game Mode (Deathmatch/Cooperative/CTF
  • Skill Level (Skill 1 Default Always)
  • Unlimited Jumping Bug

Technical Support / ZDoom Support?

« on: January 15, 2007, 14:22:33 »
By any chance will this new port have some features of ZDoom? Summon/Summonfriend? Or other decorate features?
Pages: [1]