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Topics - bond

Pages: [1]

General Discussion / Doom Explorer - new launcher for Doom

« on: March 21, 2015, 13:10:00 »
Doom Explorer is a new launcher that is based on IDE. Virtually all components of IDE were substantially revised and improved. Among them are:

  • - A significant increase in the refresh rate of servers
  • - Various styles of the program interface
  • - Full control over the server and player tables - you can move, resize and hide any column in the table
  • - Wads control, selection one of multiple copies with true checksum (if the port allows)
  • - Improved support for demos, full display of the demo info (as possible)
  • - Significantly redesigned start server page interface, added a large number of parameters
  • - Improved support for a single mode for the most popular ports
  • - And much more ...


Technical Support / Launcher protocol question

« on: March 29, 2014, 13:52:18 »
In the data that the server sends the launcher, there is a list of cvars. Where can i find this list?

General Discussion / IDE updated

« on: March 03, 2008, 09:15:14 »
Internet Doom Explorer updated and moved to the new site

General Discussion / IDE & Odamex

« on: February 21, 2007, 06:02:24 »
Internet Doom Explorer - non-portable win32 closed-source (yet) launcher for client/server Doom ports :) - support Odamex now.
Get it here
Pages: [1]