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Messages - Decay

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Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity II: The Abstraction

« on: April 26, 2012, 17:57:18 »
Thanks guys!

First round of testing is slated for this weekend, and I'll be handling most of the stuff from #mxu, so come on out if you're interested.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Velocity X: Mechanix Edition

« on: April 23, 2012, 20:37:51 »
It's coming!

The sequel to Velocity CTF, Velocity II is looking to have some more abstract maps and concepts, as well some heavy slug outs with wicked pace.

Velocity II will be undergoing a far more stringent testing and detail checking than Velocity I, and as such anyone is more than welcome to come help us test.

So far, we have maps 13-19. Some screenshots!

As always, if you have an interest in actually submitting a map to velocity, or want to test it, you can find the me and the latest updates in #mxu on quakenet primarily, or find me in #odamex

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Essay duels

« on: April 12, 2012, 21:15:20 »
Hey guys, I'd like to upload this to a mirror soonish, so if you have any critique of these maps, please let me know!

This is the most recent update, give the maps a peruse, tell me what you like, what you don't, etc. Thanks!

Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6 Preview #6 - April 2012

« on: April 09, 2012, 15:26:17 »
Oh shit son!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Deimos Carnage (my first DM map)

« on: April 08, 2012, 15:42:57 »
Still needs more weapons, especially on the spawns wherever they may be. Not all spawns need a weapon start though.


Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Essay duels

« on: April 08, 2012, 15:39:08 »
Very small update

maps received some minor tweaks, mostly the same.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Deimos Carnage (my first DM map)

« on: April 07, 2012, 15:34:04 »
For your first map, it's really good. I like this map, it's quite well made and does a fantastic job of screaming E2 at me. I would change a few things though.

First and foremost, need some more weapons lying around. the map severely lacked weapon availability. Also, some health lying around might be cool, but not too much.

I definitely took some screens but I have no idea where they went.

The blue torches on the line of blue circles should be put into the wall. Also, that little skull pillar thing in the teleporter room should be placed elsewhere so it's not in the way of movement.

As for testing, you might find some people in #odamex on quakenet willing to help playtest.

Overall though, great job!

General Discussion / [AX] - Apex

« on: April 05, 2012, 06:59:16 »
Just another typical clan.

With odamex now playable, it's time to get the clan scene moving, and breeding competition. Apex will play CTF/TDM/Duels with any clan.


Soul Sucka/Antlint

If you're interested in joining us, give any of us a shout in #odamex because right now we don't have a clan channel and probably never will!

Looking forward to serious scrims yo

Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6 Preview #5 - We Don't Need Roads

« on: April 03, 2012, 14:14:52 »
This demo support is fantastic. 0.6 looking amazing, can't for it to be the official release!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Essay duels

« on: April 03, 2012, 13:14:04 »
Hey guys, here's a set of 8 duel maps I made using only doom2.wad as a resource

These maps were inspired and created by the essay-driven insanity I've experienced over the past 5 years. I am only missing one of the maps that I've made before, but the resources to make it just aren't there. And it sucked anyway. Give these a shot, I want to make them good, so let me know what you liked about them, what you didn't like, etc.

They certainly are not meant to look good, they were meant to look like DOOM so I tried my best to not give a shit and be abstract. Total build time for this set is around 7 hours, maybe 8 tops.

map list

map01: Shattered Dreams
map02: Dissertation
map03: Essay43
map04: Analysis
map05: Broken Memories
map06: Conclusion
map07: Methodology
map08: Thesis


Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Any interest in a community wad?

« on: March 27, 2012, 16:11:43 »
Well, I'm not against people reserving a spot and taking their time with it, I know a lot of people are pretty busy.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Any interest in a community wad?

« on: March 26, 2012, 21:04:09 »
With 0.6 around the bend and odamex looking to pick up numbers in community/playerbase/mapper base, I kinda want to probe interest into a (probably DM) concept (which probably isn't new). How about a good old fashioned old school style megawad?

Nitrodm1 got what, 16-18 maps? I think we can feasibly make a decent 32 map dm wad within a reasonable time frame.

The concept though is that the maps are based off their Doom II counter parts; as a result, i'm not expecting/looking for fancy texturing, etc. Map themes should be taken from the Doom II counterpart. Layout does not have to even remotely resemble the counter part, though it would be cool to have some layout inspiration from the Doom II side. Basically, you can really abstract about it, but stick to the dominant theme.

Doom2.wad is the only resource we get. Shoot for a mapsize good for 8-12 people. Anybody down for this?

Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6 Preview #1 - A Comfortable Migration

« on: March 06, 2012, 11:17:30 »
0.6 is shaping up to be pretty slick, can't wait.

General Discussion / Mouse settings archive selection of sorts

« on: February 28, 2012, 14:57:47 »
As some people struggle like fuck (like me) to find a good mouse setting, I thought "well what if some people copy pasted their mouse config to a notepad for us to try"? It could be beneficial to some new people, or just be interesting to see what mouse settings you guys use!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: February 23, 2012, 12:39:46 » Here is the last version. I SWEAR!

Should this version be bugless, it will be uploaded to /idgames and simply renamed to veloctf.wad
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