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Messages - Hekksy

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12]

General Discussion / Re: "bug dump" thread

« on: August 02, 2007, 23:43:04 »
- Green corpse spotted?

Yes. In one of the Odamex CTF maps (map03 I believe) when I killed someone on the blue team the corpse that dropped to the ground turned green. Sorry I didn't get a screenshot but if it happens again I'll be sure to get one.

Right now my biggest complaint however is the seems that no matter what level you set the sensitivity the mouse is always too sensitive ><

But Odamex is great fun! Plays a lot like classic Doom and I can't wait for more and more stable releases. :)

Technical Support / Re: sceen size

« on: June 10, 2007, 00:40:16 »
I do not see any chatroom there and if I had known there was a chatroom I would have gone there for help to start with so if there is one do something so ppl will know

Download XChat and when you launch it join "OFTC." When it asks you for a "#" do #odamex.

Or when your online just type "/join #odamex"

Technical Support / Re: ZDoom Support?

« on: June 10, 2007, 00:36:13 »
I have ZDOOM but have no idea how to install it the file is in my programs and I can go into it and click on the icon and it runs but as far as I can tell it is not installed it is not on the list of all programs under start?
I want to know can I use ZDOOM with Odamex to play online and how do I do it?

ZDoom has their own forums. Use them. Also Odamex is it's own source port, so it launches Odamex, not Zdoom. Also you do not "install" Zdoom you extract it's .exe and put doom2.wad in the same folder as it and double-click zdoom.exe.

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