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Messages - Russell

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]

General Discussion / Re: odamex woes

« on: January 19, 2007, 20:16:14 »
If you're running windows, download
If you run some other OS, fixes to the launcher have been submitted to the repository that fixes these issues.

It could be that my servers are already out of date compared to release build, I'll update them.

General Discussion / Re: "Advanced Rendering"

« on: January 16, 2007, 04:32:33 »
Currently, we are using libsdl for our rendering system, opengl accelerated version is still a way off yet.

SDL does support directx (through changing the SDL_VIDEODRIVER environment variable, as documented), I'm not sure if this affects accelerated rendering or not, however.

DirectX is also very non-portable, so if we were to switch from opengl to directx for the accelerated port, we'd be limiting ourselves to windows.

Technical Support / Re: Launcher(s) todo list.

« on: January 16, 2007, 01:01:48 »
The other problem is the fact that odamex has no unicode style ingame language font, so this feature might be considered useless unless someone wants to develop one.

Technical Support / Re: Launcher(s) todo list.

« on: January 15, 2007, 01:59:49 »
Updated (a bit late now)

Technical Support / Re: Something I've been wondering...

« on: January 15, 2007, 01:31:37 »
Those were great times, I miss them :'(

Technical Support / Re: wx based GetWad replacement

« on: November 19, 2006, 03:28:56 »
Here are some sample ones I imported from the GetWAD rc files.

Dialogs are named OdaWAD, couldn't think of a better name :P

Hope they help.

Technical Support / Re: wx based GetWad replacement

« on: November 14, 2006, 22:36:14 »
Yeah, I've thrown the idea into the todo list, its a good one.

We could have an option to disable it aswell, since you can download wad's via the client too.

Technical Support / Launcher(s) todo list.

« on: November 14, 2006, 22:33:37 »
Currently we do not have one of these, but I'll list some possible things and their priorities (for the wxWidgets version).

High: Wad downloading, possibly using a heavily modified version of getwad or be rebuilt from scratch.
Low: Multi-language (Launcher supports UNICODE, but the codeblocks project doesn't have it switched on, the reason is that the client and server don't support it.... yet)

  • + Runs on multiple platforms - Need testers for Mac,
    Linux and any other OS

* - Implemented
+ - Partially Implemented
X - Not Done

General Discussion / Re: Best iwad

« on: October 25, 2006, 04:47:27 »
here are my favorite iwads, and why I like them:

Doom - weapons chainsaw (a friend of mine used to own a mcCulloch eager beaver years ago, which is the doom chainsaw, it was a slightly newer model however) and the shotgun.
Doom 2 - ssg, additional monsters, bigger levels, slightly more fun.
TNT - the music and some of the level design.
Plutonia - nothing really, its more or less coopable though.
FreeDoom - music rules, its free and open source.

General Discussion / Re: doom compatibility

« on: October 25, 2006, 04:35:46 »
Yes, odamex remains true to oldschool doom multiplayer, which is a higher priority than anything else.

But it also adds some newschool things, such as teamplay and capture the flag.

I also tested the wad and watched the demos with chocolate-doom.

everything but the rocket jumping seems to work, unless I was doing it wrong, fire against wall + backwards?
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