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Messages - Doomkid

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Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Doomkid's DM 4!

« on: October 21, 2014, 22:59:19 »
Hey guys, there seems to be a bug. Mr Cirspy may have already reported it, but these maps crash Odamex and I cant figure out why. We tested them in Doom2.exe, Doom95, Zandronum and Zdaemon and they ran fine. Any ideas?

Maps, Wads and Mods / Doomkid's DM 4!

« on: October 20, 2014, 07:37:54 »

12 quick n' dirty speedmaps!

Hello again DM lovers. :) Here I have 12 maps I whipped up fairly quickly that are sure to please. Serious matches can be had with 2-4 players, but it goes insane with 8+! I have made the BFG optional, because I know a lot of people don't like it (see: whining). Select Skill 1/2 for Soulsphere, 3 for Invisibility sphere, and 4/5 for the BFG - It's the best option, of course!

I took a different approach with map08 and map12, they both use a more narutal layout. You'll know what I mean when you play them! (Sadly they cause VPOs in vanilla.) There's a secret with the Coke machine in the mall, map07. Originally there was only a Pepsi machine, but Ralphis reminded me that Pepsi sucks - it really does - so I added a Coke machine and moved the secret to it instead!

Enough of this talk - Let's see some screens:

I hope you all enjoy the frags. I welcome any feedback/criticism!

(Why not leave your thoughts on my page? I'd love to see that guestbook filled up with some WAD feedback!)

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: DWANGO 20th Anniversary!

« on: October 03, 2014, 20:28:48 »
I need to get an FFA organized some time. I'm usually on from 7PM eastern time onward.. Or 9AM to 1PM Aussie time! I'm sure I could get group of 4-8 players in here.

Maps, Wads and Mods / DWANGO 20th Anniversary!

« on: September 29, 2014, 00:32:01 »

Hello my Odamex friends,

DWANGO's 20th anniversary is approaching. If you're like me and you just can't get enough deathmatch, remember: This is where it all started! The humble beginnings of an online fanbase that just won't die.

When Bob Huntley and Kee Kimbrell pitched the DWANGO idea to id Software, John Carmack and the others were largely uninterested, but the duo found support in John Romero, the godfather of deathmatching! No surprise there right?

This was a time before the internet had really caught on. Doomers had to dial long distance to Houston, TX - Despite this, DWANGO was wildly popular, and the creators reaped a well deserved profit from the subscription fees. By early 1995, over nine thousand subscribers were paying $8.95 a month, some calling from as far as Italy and Australia! It warms my heart to know Aussies have been fragging since the olden days.

The official anniversary date is December 11th, 2014 - I'm early, but hell, why not get our celebratory frags in now!

Screenshots Below:

The main difference between this and the classic DWANGO wads is that every author is actually going to recieve credit - A change of pace, I know!

Code: [Select]
Denis Moeller- Map02 (Point Blank 4)

The Prophet- Map03, Map10, Map15, Map21 (PROPHET Series)

Patrick Hook- Map04, Map05, Map25 (HOOKED.wad)

Timer- Map06 (RAT in a CAGE), Map18 (The Pillars)

Emilio Galasso- Map07 (DAMNATION ALLEY II)

The Giggler- Map08 (Giggler3), Map12 (Thrill Me), Map17 (Giggler5)

Michael Daniels- Map09, Map24, Map28 (PudWhacker!)

Tony Hafner- Map11 (Spotlite), Map26 (Ankle Bite)

Alissa Colby- Map13 (GSXR_13)

Cory Malain- Map14 (QUAD KILL)

Shaft- Map16 (Brutal Deathmatch)

Chris Donges- Map19 (Harmony)

Dan Silver- Map20 (Clover Leaf)

PiGMaN- Map22 (WTF-PIGMAN01)

Brent Marvich & Ted Peterson- Map23 (MerDoom II)

Blue- Map27 (The Iron Cross)

Virgil Itliong- Map29 (Church Of Doom II)

Warren Marshall- Map30 (Death By Cyberdemon)

Thrasher & Whiplash- Map31 (Football Stadium)

TraversD- Map32 (Afterlife)

Additional credit to AwesomePanda and other anonymous
contributors for MIDI files. The sky textures are from
Heretic, Sabbat Martyr Deathmatch, and edited Alpha Doom
resources. Map01 was originally created by myself for
dk_dm_2, but this version is improved.

Considering the age of these maps (all created between 1994 and 1998) I am highly impressed by their design and appearance. I think they make a wonderful addition to the DWANGO family.

Enough of this talking, Let's frag!

Download DWANGO20 here:

Happy 20th anniversary!


Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Z-Match 3rd Strike (Demo Download)

« on: September 26, 2014, 18:41:31 »
A few more WIP screenshots! Springy's map:

Joe Pallai's:

Stay tuned!

General Discussion / Re: MWI1 CoffeeNet Down

« on: September 17, 2014, 19:18:25 »
Damn, this is bad news :( I really hope things get sorted out, Those servers are great for Aussies playing against Americans!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: A map for Deathmatch.. HELL DM.

« on: September 08, 2014, 19:20:33 »
I'm gonna get Mr Cirspy to put this on one of the Westside Connection servers. Hope to see you there!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Z-Match 3rd Strike (Demo Download)

« on: September 08, 2014, 19:19:50 »
Thank you Capo :D

Maps, Wads and Mods / Z-Match 3rd Strike (RELEASE!)

« on: September 08, 2014, 04:20:20 »
Z-Match: 3RD STRIKE is finally here!

Z-Match: 3rd Strike is a collection of 14 maps with a hellish, almost medieval theme. Inspiration is taken from several great WADs, but this pack has a unique identity that it brings to the table. Gameplay and detail were top priority while designing these - You will not get bored playing them!

For those who dislike the BFG, I have made it optional. Skill 4/5 retains the BFG, skill 1/2 replaces it with a soulsphere, and skill 3 replaces it with a plasma rifle.

Screenshots ahead!

We hope you will find lots of pleasure fragging your friends here. Each map will require the player to think differently than the last, especially in a duel setting. Personally, I reccommend 4-6 players - The gameplay is fast paced, but remains uncluttered. Record some demos and let us know what you think! :)

Maps designed by:

Captain Toenail
Joe Pallai
Matt Guerrero

Special thanks to TheAwesomePanda for some MIDI files, Jon Rimmer for textures, VisualVincent for DoomWriter, Adelusion for his amazing maps, and everyone who helped playtest. You guys kick butt.

(/idgames mirror coming soon, hopefully!)

General Discussion / Re: Community Questionnaire

« on: August 28, 2014, 01:50:42 »
Great idea for a thread.

What is your username and what does it mean?
I came up with this stupid name when I was 9 or 10, tried to change it, but then no one knew who the hell I was. Now I'm stuck with it!

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)
Shareware Doom with my dad and older brother all huddled around the screen. Probably would have been late 1995 at age 4, I was definitely too young to play this kind of game, but I don't think my dad bought into any of that videogame violence propaganda.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
Officially, Doom95. Unofficially, ZDoom, back in 2002 on Doom Connector, thanks to Hellbent and R. Good memories.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
Hmm, either doomcity (a legend), Hellrun for Doom2 (another legend) or DMD2DIE.wad, which is garbage looking back, but again the memories are fond.

What is your favorite game mode?

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?
Not really in a clan. Haven't been into that kinda stuff for years, though in the back of my mind I enjoy the thought of being in UD - like that'll ever happen!

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
My early days on Doom Connector, playing with Grim666, Kitty, Metal, Naut and the rest of CD. A bunch of dumb kids having fun Doomin'. Great ping when I was in the US, and overall I haven't kicked the habit, so that speaks for itself :)

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: [RELEASE] Charge Sequence CTF

« on: August 25, 2014, 02:23:45 »
Wow, this map looks really nice! Can't believe I missed this one, thanks for bringing it back to the surface marshalllover.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: A map for Deathmatch.. HELL DM.

« on: August 16, 2014, 09:04:20 »
I like it man, cool music track too. Is jumping allowed on this map, or is the BFG purely a tease? I couldn't find a secret that led to it.

Nice stuff!

Nitro Zone / Re: Nitro #151 - Grievance DM

« on: July 27, 2014, 13:39:55 »
Damn I missed it - Such a good wad!

General Discussion / Re: [FW] Forgotten Warriors

« on: July 23, 2014, 21:43:18 »
Nice to see FW gaining some members.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: DK_DM_3 (fixed!)

« on: June 20, 2014, 02:27:50 »
A game breaking bug has been fixed, Download the new version here:

There was a broken deathmatch start on map22, but the issue is resolved.
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