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Messages - Ralphis

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After taking some time to look through the bug tracker it is apparent that there may be bugs which are resolved but unmarked so in the tracker. This is not conducive to the development of Odamex.

In light of this, I am beginning a new Bug Tracker Cleanup Initiative which promotes community and personal involvement and investment in Odamex. This will hopefully lead to a healthier, more manageable project for our programmers and encourage project growth.

The way to get involved is easy! All you have to do is let me know by means of this thread, IRC, or other method of contact that you would like to participate in the program and then, after your credentials are evaluated, you will be assigned the numbers of open bugs in our tracker.


Revision 565 or greater is REQUIRED for this. For Windows users, you can get revision 565 here. Users of other platforms will have to build their own copy of revision 565.

Your job is to identify or try to reproduce the bug in your current client. PLEASE SPECIFY THE PLATFORM YOU ARE RUNNING ON.

If you cannot reproduce the bug but you are 100% sure that the bug does not exist anymore you will mark the bug SOLVED (in this thread, not the tracker). DO NOT MARK A BUG SOLVED IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SURE IT IS SOLVED. READ DOWN FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS.

If you can identify the bug you will mark the bug OPEN. Additionally, if you have any new information as to how the bug is reproducible or anything else useful, you should report any new findings to the bug tracker immediately.

If you cannot reproduce the bug but are not sure that it is corrected you will mark the bug UNSURE. This may or may not be the most common response we'll receive. We'll have to see how this goes.

While it is important to find any new information on a bug, it is not the main goal of this program. The main goal is simply put to determine the legitimacy of any bugs still in the Tracker (some of which have been open for over 2 years!). However if you do find new information pertaining to a bug you are responsible for, PLEASE REPORT IT!

Any bug in which you have not attended to please mark PENDING.

Upon signing up you will be assigned anywhere from between 5 to 10 bugs. A list of those who are signed up, the bugs they are responsible for, and the reported status of those bugs will be located directly under this information.

Although a list of all open bugs will be located in this post as well, please only focus on solving the bugs you have been assigned. After you have solved the status of some of your assigned bugs, you will be assigned more. If you prove reliable, the specific field in which your bugs are assigned may be negotiable where applicable (i.e. Sound, CTF, etc).

Only game play specific bugs will be included in this particular initiative. Enhancement bugs will not be included in this particular initiative.

The projected goal is to report and complete the status of all current open bugs by April 25th. Let's see if we can pull together and get the ball rolling towards the summer season (or winter for those of you in the southern hemisphere).

Ant P:
103 - Reimplement intermission screen (check through bug comments for more information) PENDING
109 - Partial death animation PENDING
143 - Ceiling/floor edge render problem OPEN
287 - Incorrect E1M4 door+lift behavior (somebody please test in chocodoom as well to confirm this bug) PENDING
400 - 'Allow Freelook' switch broken PENDING

92 - CTF: 3-team ctf scoreboard PENDING
120 - Mouse strafe reverse. PENDING
134 - Animated sprites with transparency are distorted on certain resolutions PENDING
211 - Renderer problem: Slows down when you look at a wall. PENDING
265 - Sound handling on ExM8/MAP08 (will assign this to a UD member if they sign up as I believe this bug occurred on RottKing's castle UDMX map. Please get back to me) PENDING

135 - Various sounds are played multiple times at once PENDING
216 - hr2final.wad menu does not render properly PENDING
289 - Multiple "oof" sounds when hitting a floor (Duplicate of Bug 135? Please confirm) PENDING
333 - Silent bfg does not work for opponents PENDING
380 - Team Damage Issue PENDING


18 - Incorrect sector data on connect
32 - make coop work
42 - sprite-level zfighting
86 - CTF: sv_soundteam problems
167 - Consistency of weapon firing feedback (visible / audible)
181 - Missing sounds (Scroll down to my comment and test everything unrelated to the wallhack issue)
188 - Rendering error when eye is level with the floor
206 - Boom-enhanced errors
215 - Weapon pickup at spawn
224 - Remote Door Server/Client Disagreement
228 - could not respawn with r1714 (try your best to reproduce. I believe this might be a poorly reported bug)
260 - Respawn facing direction you died
269 - Weapons shoot wrong ammo upon autoswitching
274 - buffer overflow with player-player visual check (comment 2)
283 - Teamplay issues (comment 1 bullets 1, 3, and 4)
288 - Too fast sprite frameswitching
293 - Ghost Monsters in Coop (needs extensive testing)
304 - Weapon Pickup Doesnt Switch
384 - Teamsay/messagemode2 broken

General Discussion / MAGFest Checklist

« on: December 13, 2007, 04:09:19 »
This is our MAGFEST Checklist. It is subject to change at all times until MAGFest. It would be great if we could lock down most of these details.

Travel Attendees

Confirmed attendees thus far:

Red denotes traveling from Philadelphia with Ralphis
Blue denotes flying into Washington for pickup

Matt Cibulas (RottKing)
Michael Lightner (Manc) CONFIRMED BABY
Tim McGrouty
Ralph Vickers (Ralphis)

Travel Itinerary

Ralph's group travel plans

Wednesday, January 2th

-Ralph & Tim load most equipment on Wed. Jan 2

Thursday, January 3rd

-Ralph takes R2 from Norwood to 30th St. station @ 10:12am
-Ralph picks up Matt at 30th st. station @ 11am
-Ralph & Matt take 11:39am R2 to Norwood, arrive at noon
-Ralph's party leaves around 12:30 pm for Alexandria
     -Estimated distance: 135.49 miles
     -Estimated travel time: 2.5 hours
-Arrive at Hotel around 3:30 pm, check into rooms

Friday, January 4th

Saturday, January 5th

Sunday, January 6th

-Hotel check out is at Noon.
-Playing this by ear atm.

Monday, January 7th

-Ralph & Matt take R2 from Norwood to 30th St. station @ 12:18 pm, arrive at 12:39 pm. Kiss each other goodbye.
-Matt boards Amtrak to Bridgeport at 1:58 pm from 30th St.
-Ralph takes 2:31 pm R2 to Norwood, arrives home at 2:48 pm

Mike's travel plans

Thursday, January 3rd

-Arrives at Airport at 9:43a

Friday, January 4th

Saturday, January 5th

Sunday, January 6th

-Leaves airport at 7:45p

Table Schedule

I haven't put anything in here yet because I'm still waiting for a schedule from MAGFest on their events. We probably wanted to schedule everything around their big events and not run tournaments when they'll be having high volume tournaments, etc.

Thursday, January 3rd

10:00p-Midnight: 1on1 Tournament

Friday, January 4th

3:00p-5:00p : 1on1 Tournament
Note: Followed by concert

Saturday, January 5th

1:00p-4:00p : 3on3 CTF Tournament
Midnight-1p : 1on1 Tournament (Maybe)

Sunday, January 6th

11:00a-Noon : 1on1 Tournament


Red is being brought by Ralph's group
Blue is being brought by Mike
Yellow still needs confirmation

Windows XP loaded Computers (7)
Flat Panel monitors (5) Note: Could use one more!
Flat Panel monitors (1) Note: From Manc
Keyboards (7)
Mice (7) Note: More optical mice would be great.
Headphones (6)
8-Port Hub
Network cables (7)
Power strips (?) Note: Not sure how many of these we would need for 7 computers, monitors, a hub, and other equipment. At least 15 sockets.

Odamex Shirts (14) Note: Need 15, one goes to Hobomaster22. Some goto staffers. Rest can go as prizes.
Odamex Banner

UD Radio broadcasting equipment
USB wireless connection dongle
Amplifier for Wireless Mic

Please let me know if you think I've forgotten anything.

Anything that is in yellow is not 100% confirmed to be on its way, either because we don't have it or because the people that would have it are not locked in yet. If you can donate to us anything on this list, please contact me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Also, for the people who are attending, remember that if you want to swim or anything in the hotel pool, you should bring a bathing suit or what not. Though we're here on "business", each of us will have downtime to hang out and should enjoy as much as the rest of the festival has to offer.

Money Not Yet Spent

Potentially $10/day for Wireless = Approx. $30
$9/day for Parking (2 vehicles) = $54

Total = $84 extra expenses

General Discussion / Re: odamex

« on: November 07, 2007, 15:44:33 »
EDIT: Changed thread topic to reflect discussion

Devoblog / Odamex October Contest Results

« on: November 05, 2007, 06:17:10 »

We apologize for the delay but the results are finally in Odamex's October mapping contest. Five judges were tasked with picking the winners for this month's contest:

AlexMax - Organizer of the "zdctfmp" and "Odactf" series of wads.

Belial - #dmclub channel operator

deathz0r - Author of maps in the "UDM" series and organizer of the "32in24" series.

fyrestorm - Co-founder of Clan OS and map author

RottKing - Author of Dynamite DM

All of the entries in the contest were solid and judging results were very close. However, only one can win and this time the first place crown goes to Hobomaster22!

Hobomaster22's map will be the main tournament map when we travel to MAGFest and will also receive a shirt once they are printed.

Congratulations to Hobomaster22 and thank you to all of the other contestants who took the time to enter a map:

5hfifty, Andrew Apted, Alastair, Megalyth, and Memfis

Each map will be run in rotation when we visit MAGFest this January.

A server running this wad in rotation should be up soon so go ahead and grab the wad and get fraggin'!

Stay tuned for more upcoming Odamex contests!

Devoblog / 0.3 now available!

« on: November 04, 2007, 00:49:56 »
After a long period of no official releases, Version 0.3 is now here for you all to enjoy. This new version has vastly improved over our previous version, so much so that we are no longer in an alpha status!

Besides many internal fixes and optimizations that are less noticeable to the average player, here are some of the new features:

* Lots of internal optimizations
* Improved doom2.exe demo playback and regression testing materials
* Improved server console and administration functions
* Odamex.wad is now built on 100% free resources
* Capture the Flag sounds added
* Wallhack parameter added to disable it (currently improves playability)

Aside from this, our official site has some new features of its own. In the top-right corner of our page you will see a new donate button. As you may have heard at this point, Odamex has been invited to represent Doom and classic multiplayer gaming at MAGFest January 3-6 in Washington D.C.  As such, we want to make sure we bring our A game and display a solid presentation in our exhibit.  In order to improve that experience, we are making available a place where you, the odamex player (or developer or moderator or artist) can help us reach our goal of being the best at MAGFest.  Your donations will directly aid us in our travels there.  All contributions will go towards prizes, equipment, and other booth essentials that will help the Odamex area of the festival stand out.  As a token of our appreciation, we will be displaying in our booth a thank you list of those that helped contribute money or other goods to us.  You may choose how you'd like your name displayed or you may opt out if you prefer.  Whatever the case may be, we always greatly appreciate the support of dedicated doomers and open source enthusiasts like you!

So without further adieu, download a package below and get fraggin' (or flaggin')!

Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista Starter Package

Mac OSX PPC/X86 Universal Binary Package

Complete Universal Source Package

Devoblog / Odamex October Contest

« on: October 07, 2007, 23:38:53 »

Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to bring to you our first Odamex contest! This contest is designed for mappers who wish to have their wads possibly displayed in tournament play during Odamex's visit to MAGFest in January. Here's the rundown:

What to do: Create a Doom 2 deathmatch map designed for one on one play, but still appropriate for up to four players.

-Map must be made specifically for this contest. Not based on any maps already available.
-Must promote Odamex and MAGFest through use of the provided resources.
-Must be Odamex compatible. No Hexen/ZDoom format maps.
-No custom resources other than those provided.
-No self promotion in map. No name references or anything that will specifically give away your identity.
-Do not promote or make your entry available to the general public before the judging process ends.
-One entry per individual.

Any violation of the given requirements can and may result in the disqualification of your entry.

Contest Dates:
Mapping Period (Oct. 8, 2007 - Oct. 26, 2007)
Judging Process (Oct 27, 2007 - Nov 1, 2007)
Results/Release Party (Nov 5, 2007)

All entries must be received by 11:59 pm, October 26. All entries must be sent to Ralphis who can be contacted through the following methods:
Email - ralphis at odamex dot net
IRC - #odamex
AIM - Ralphis SFR6

Judges: A panel of five judges will each assign every entry a rating of one to five. Judges will have no prior knowledge of map authors. Additionally, judges will not be publically named until the date of release.

1st Place - The showcased map during MAGFest 1 on 1 tournament, an Odamex shirt, and the map01 slot in the wad.
2nd - 4th Places - Map used for MAGFest 1 on 1 tournament.
5th - 10th Places - Used during non-tournament rotations at the MAGFest Odamex table.

Any parties officially associated with the Odamex team, as well as the judging panel, are barred from making entries into this contest.

Grab the provided resources and get to work!

General Discussion / Re: Odamex at MAGFest

« on: September 09, 2007, 14:05:23 »
Once there is more info we will start posting news. I have a few ideas I want to run by you guys.

General Discussion / Re: Odamex at MAGFest

« on: September 06, 2007, 17:16:49 »
We've filled all four attendees to the event

General Discussion / Odamex at MAGFest

« on: September 05, 2007, 09:49:13 »
Hey everybody, as you may or may not have heard, Odamex plans to attend this year's MAGFest to get the word out. Our plans include three daily tournaments starting with FFA on day one, CTF on day two, and rounding off with a good old 1on1 tournament on day three. People will have opportunities to get their hands on cool Odamex stuff like shirts amongst other things!

If you're interested in attending, I have included some information on the MAGFest event below. We may require more people to staff our booth as well so if you think you can help us out it anyway please let me or Manc know. If you live within proximity to Philadelphia or can get here cheaply we can even car pool. Helping run the Odamex booth guarantees you free admission to the event.

WHEN: Thursday, January 3th - Sunday, January 6th 2008

WHERE: Hilton Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia, USA (Right outside of Washington DC)

Pre-registration: $35 <-- current phase
At-door registration: $40

Nothing! They're free of course!

So if you're interested in attending either as a staffer or just to visit make sure to let us know and if you have any questions about MAGFest you can ask me for more information or check out their official website at

We're very excited to be able to show Odamex off at this very public event (over 1000 attendees!) and fully expect the event to be renamed FRAGFest after we're done with it.

Developer's Corner / Re: Strife Multiplayer?

« on: March 21, 2007, 18:30:10 »
This is getting too much off topic so. Are there any future productions on Odamex making Hexen, Heretic, Strife workable on this engine?

These have never been one of our goals ever. They are not even a priority.

General Discussion / Re: OdaHook

« on: February 08, 2007, 11:29:20 »
You can send the source to me, deathz0r, or Russell amongst a few others. We will get them to the proper people on our team

Technical Support / Re: MS-DOS!!

« on: January 30, 2007, 13:32:45 »
Dreamcast has a broadband adapter which many developers utilize to run their code on the system. However, last time I checked noone had written a decent driver for any of the DC modems

Developer's Corner / Re: New Scoreboards

« on: January 25, 2007, 23:46:12 »
I personally like the scoreboard, but the beauty of open source is that you can make something and present it to us

General Discussion / Re: Allow multiple key bindings?

« on: January 25, 2007, 01:32:42 »
Does not comply. No
Here are some answers to common questions we're presented when people experience problems connecting to Odamex servers:

Q: The sound and music volumes are both sliding together and I can't turn the music off. How can I fix this?

A: Unfortunately, Odamex's sound library (SDL_Mixer) currently has some issues with midi on certain operating systems, most notably Windows Vista/7. A potential fix to this problem is to go to File > Settings in the launcher and go down to the box that says "Extra command line arguments". In it, type:


Then connect to a game of your choice. This will disable the midi music in Odamex but it should allow you to play with game sounds until a further fix for this bug can be found.
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