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Messages - Ralphis

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General Discussion / Re: Odamex Evolution

« on: May 03, 2012, 22:05:07 »
I wonder how to reach this (and many other) topic from main odawiki page?

As of now, at least all of the server variables pages about voting point to here. We desperately need help with continued documentation, this has been no secret!

General Discussion / Re: Odamex Evolution

« on: May 02, 2012, 12:51:28 »
The Odamex team appreciates the continued support from old and new users alike!

re: Voting

We have an article on our wiki that explains the types of votes that server administrators can enable and how to call the votes as a player. Hope this helps!

Devoblog / The State of Odamex - May 2012

« on: May 01, 2012, 12:11:09 »
As some of you may have noticed, today marks the beginning of May and, perhaps more relevant to this project, the end of April. Although Odamex 0.6 was slated for an April 2012 release, the development team has made the decision to slightly delay the public release for a few additional tweaks and small bug fixes.

I can assure you that the core of Odamex 0.6 is ready to go. Hours have been spent almost every night play testing with dozens of different individuals. Although these test sessions have gone incredibly smooth, we are playing the role of a perfectionist. Some of the smaller complaints and bugs we have found are being tended to quickly and tweaked to ensure that there won't be an immediate follow up to the Odamex 0.6 release because of hasty oversight. Do not be alarmed though! The new release will be widely available only in a matter of days. I promise it won't be long.

In the meantime, a number of developments have happened throughout our growing community as we edge towards our 0.6 release. Many individuals have had the opportunity to play our daily builds and we are confident that our budding community will have the opportunity to flourish immediately upon release.

A number of new wads are being developed specifically for the Odamex 0.6 release. Our own resident HeX9109 has taken the lead on the converting and updating many classic CTF maps in the Anthology CTF project, slated for release alongside Odamex 0.6. The Mechanix Union have also started moving the gears on Velocity CTF II. To post your own wads and get involved in mapping for Odamex 0.6, visit our Maps, Wads, and Mods forum.

Building on Odamex Saturday Nitro's resounding success, Odamex forum user capodecima, with the support of long-time Odamex server host Liquid Doom, has put forth the effort to run an equivalent event for European users. Odamex Sunday Thunder takes place every Sunday night in the European time zones. As a bonus, Americans can drop in for a mid-day romp. Thunder's very first event drew incredibly large crowds, with the server averaging 18-20 players for almost two hours. Odamex Sunday Thunder always takes place at the following times:

-United Kingdom (19:00)
-Central Europe (20:00)
-Russia/Moscow (22:00)
-Eastern US (2:00 PM)
-Western US (11:00 AM)

Perhaps one of the greatest testaments to Odamex's continued development is the International Doom League's announcement that they will be moving to Odamex full-time for their twelfth full season. The IDL is one of the oldest and most successful leagues in the history of the Doom community. We would like to welcome the IDL into the Odamex community and both anticipate and appreciate the high level of competitive play that they should bring to Odamex starting this summer.

Odamex 0.6 is not much further off, but you don't have to wait until then to get involved. You can visit either one of our IRC channels ( #odamex, #odamex), sign up and post to our forums, or just join in some games for the final remaining days of 0.5.6. The Odamex community has come a long way in a short amount of time and we're just getting started.

General Discussion / Re: Euro Thunder #1 Greenwar FFA

« on: April 22, 2012, 15:26:44 »
Great job Capo!


General Discussion / Re: Take a byte! of Raspberry Pi

« on: April 20, 2012, 12:12:34 »
This looks really cool and I've been looking forward to seeing Odamex run on it. Hopefully someone can post some pictures and thoughts on how Odamex runs on the pi once they grab one.

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Preview #6 - April 2012

« on: April 09, 2012, 11:19:42 »
The sixth and final Odamex 0.6 preview.

Let us know what you think about Odamex 0.6! Sign up for the forums and leave comments on this post, subscribe to Odamex on Youtube, circle and +1 Odamex on Google+, join and like the Odamex Facebook group, and get ready for Odamex 0.6 - coming to a computer near you very soon!

Devoblog / Re: Odamex 0.6 Preview #5 - We Don't Need Roads

« on: April 03, 2012, 09:02:07 »
No, these are net demos. You can still playback original demo format in single player.

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Preview #5 - We Don't Need Roads

« on: April 02, 2012, 19:40:23 »
The fifth Odamex 0.6 preview, "We Don't Need Roads", shows off some of the functions and features of the new net demo system.

Make sure to leave comments, feedback, and check back next Monday for the last Odamex 0.6 preview!

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Preview #4 - Lose The Lag

« on: March 26, 2012, 17:01:21 »
The fourth Odamex 0.6 preview, "Lose The Lag", displays a number of Odamex's new network enhancements.

Make sure to leave comments, feedback, and check back every Monday for exciting new information!

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Preview #3 - Rock The Vote

« on: March 19, 2012, 14:37:51 »
The third Odamex 0.6 preview, "Rock The Vote", details Odamex's exciting new voting system.

Make sure to leave comments, feedback, and check back every Monday for exciting new information!

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Preview #2 - Music & HUD

« on: March 12, 2012, 17:55:02 »
In the second Odamex 0.6 preview, "Music & HUD", changes to the music system and heads-up display are covered. Not everything seen is entirely representative of what the final product will look like as changes are still occurring daily.

Make sure to leave comments, feedback, and check back every Monday for exciting new information!

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Preview #1 - A Comfortable Migration

« on: March 05, 2012, 15:24:31 »
Today we are glad to announce the first of many Odamex 0.6 previews. Every Monday, we will be posting a new video showing off what players can expect leading up to Odamex 0.6. Today's video, "A Comfortable Migration", covers some of Odamex's new settings that should make playing more familiar to veteran players coming from other similar engines.

Make sure to leave comments, feedback, and check back every Monday for exciting new information!

General Discussion / Re: i set up arm based server for odamex server

« on: February 29, 2012, 23:40:37 »
I have a buddy who would love to see it ported to Android too. I guess the problem comes in trying to map the controls in a useful way?

General Discussion / Re: A serious TDM league

« on: February 21, 2012, 10:17:23 »
I will definitely sign up a team

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Velocity CTF

« on: January 24, 2012, 11:20:16 »
Definitely interested in participating in testing of this! Big fan of new ctf maps
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