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Developer's Corner / Odamex 0.8.1 Release Candidate
« Last post by Hekksy on June 17, 2019, 09:13:46 »
Hi friends:

Attached is the release candidate for Odamex 0.8.1. It is a 32-bit Windows build of the client only. 64-bit and with the full package will be released once 0.8.1 is officially released. To install this, I strongly recommend that you create a second folder for Odamex (I call mine odamex-dev) and extract the files into that folder. Then, grab your odamex.cfg from your normal install and it should be ready to go.

Here is a list of changes with this release since 0.8.1:

Code: [Select]
* the server will now inform the user that the maplist was cleared
* fixed a crash when using maplist with no wads specified
* updated compatible versions of freedoom to include 0.10 to 0.11.2
* fixed a crash that could happen if the WEAPON_RAISE state is called during the start of the demo
* the warmup message now specifies which key needs to be pressed to "ready up"
* fixed a bug where palette and blending would not be updated during intermission
* added sv_respawnsuper, which can enable and disable super powerups like megasphere and invulnerability sphere
* removed obsolete code that would only update sectors every 3rd tic that could result in desyncs
* remove cl_updaterate since it is no longer used
* remove update_rate from userinfo since it is no longer used
* fixed active moving sectors getting stuck when switching from in-game to spectator mode
* fixed the alt key getting stuck on Windows when moving in and out of the odamex window with tab
* fixed some vanilla demo desyncs
* fixed some sectors not having the floor and ceiling textures updated in online mode
* fixed being able to drown in god mode
* fixed co_globalsound not working as intended
* in single-player mode the game will now pause if the console is on screen
* added "lobby" support to MAPINFO to allow players to create lobby maps
* added sv_latency to simulate latency on the server. This command is intended for developers only and must be #defined in the source.
* fixed a bug where the client would hear switch activating sounds when connecting to a server
* the client is now much better optimized for rendering transparency
* fixed issue where many non-widescreen resolutions were getting stretched across the screen in fullscreen mode instead of having pillarboxes
* changed some of the default binds to be more in alignment with modern shooter controls
* bobbing is now disabled in spectator mode and flying and mouselook are on by default
* added hud_scoreboard_ondeath (default 1). This now allows us to hide the scoreboard on death.
* added hud_demobar to now hide the progression bar during the playback of a demo
* added hud_heldflag_flash to enable or disable the flashing that occurs with the flag hud in CTF
* added options for filtering specific gamemode demos in the network settings
* added Nintendo Switch support
* Fixed an SDL issue that resulted in potentially having different mouse sensitivity in windowed mode vs fullscreen mode
* Added vid_pillarbox, which will allow the user to stretch the picture to the full screen instead of using pillarboxing in lower resolutions like 640x480
* Added experimental server cvar "sv_download_test" (default 0). This is a change that will stop odasrv from constantly opening and closing a wad file for a user attempting to download. We are hoping this will stop lag spikes from happening when multiple users are attempting to download a pwad, however it can only be tested with large crowds. If it works out the cvar will be removed and it will be turned on permenantly
* fixed vid_32bpp not refreshing the screen to re-enable 32bpp rendering

Please note that this RC is not compatible with 0.8.0 servers due to updates and bug fixes in the netcode. If you want a server to test with, feel free to use [NJ] Homeless Town - 0.8.1 Dev Testing - Duel 2020 - This server will not show up in Odalauncher because it uses a different release version (unless you make your own build of the launcher with updated code)

Of course if you have questions or run into issues, please ask us here or on our Discord server :)

Download Odamex Win32 0.8.1RC Client
Maps, Wads and Mods / Vignettes of Deathmatch (VoDM1) OldSchool Deathmatch
« Last post by EmZee712 on May 05, 2019, 03:16:49 »
A small project I started sometime ago in order to practice a more subtle approach to detailing and loose map design. I only ever carried on due to a desire to make dm maps, but now that desire has sort of faded unfortunately and this is all I have to show for it, 14 (one of which just has spawns and weapons) oldschool deathmatch maps. Guest slots include DJ Tom D for midis provided for maps 01-09 and map14, and Razor made map16. These maps support 4-8 player matches, although some are really stretching that idea. Below is the maplist as of this release:

Map01: Done
Map02: Done
Map03: Done
Map04: Done
Map05: Done
Map06: Done
Map07: Done
Map08: Done
Map09: Done
Map10: concept
Map11: Done No Midi
Map12: Done No Midi
Map13: Done - Anita Ward's "Ring My Bell" request by Watakid
Map14: Layout & Spawns finished, awaiting detail & item placement
Map15: concept
Map16: Done No Midi


obligatory map screencap
Very nice stuff, for sure !

However, something makes me wonder : how could one create a server with your ELO stats ? Does it need another server binary ?
General Discussion / -- ELO Ladder, stat-tracking system & more
« Last post by rude on March 29, 2019, 21:23:09 »

Whats up yall,

If you are interested in competitive dueling, check out -  -  a new server cluster/website tracking your games, stats, and ranks on an ELO ladder!  Currently in beta testing phase with an open Duel ladder (ZDDL settings)  Break out that BFG :)

Ladder snapshot:
(you know I am this good!!)

Some Stats:

Servers:  Duel Ladder Test Server #1 (NYC)  ---  Duel Ladder Test Server #2 (NYC)  ---


New features & game modes to come. 
ALSO: the wad being used is duel2020.wad by hobomaster.... it is awesome! 

See you out there -

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: EXCELLENT Deathmatch Wads
« Last post by Hekksy on March 15, 2019, 16:00:55 »
Very good list except it is messing staph1 ;)
Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: EXCELLENT Deathmatch Wads
« Last post by Doomkid on March 10, 2019, 05:35:19 »
General Discussion / Aussie Odamex Nitro #2: UDM3 & UDMX
« Last post by doomjoshuaboy on March 02, 2019, 22:02:27 »
Hey Everyone

That's right we have teamed up with Odamex Nitro Thanks to the Odamex team. 

Here are the details:
Maps: 50  (01-50)
Server: Down-Under Doomers
When: Sunday, March 10th @ 7pm AEST.

you need to grab odamex: to play it in.

discord server if you need to:

See you there,

General Discussion / Re: Windows 10 Server Browser + WAD Installer - Doomseeker!
« Last post by Ch0wW on February 28, 2019, 08:00:04 »
This should be seriously used for Odamex 0.8.1 and onwards.

It's super easy, really fast, and open-source aswell.

Also, queries, and custom servers/masterservers ♥
General Discussion / Alternative Server Viewer + WAD Installer - Doomseeker! (0.9.2)
« Last post by Hekksy on February 25, 2019, 22:02:43 »

Doomseeker is a launcher developed by Blzut3 and Zalewa and is compatible with many ports. The package I am presenting here is built exclusively for Odamex, but other engine plugs can be installed as well :)

First, tell Doomseeker where Odamex is under Options > Configurations:

Then go under "File Paths" and tell Doomseeker where you have wads (doom2.wad) installed:

You can also have Doomseeker search your PC for iwads if you do not know where they are located. It can be hard to find them on Windows 10.

Then tell Doomseeker where you want it to save your downloaded wads to:

After that you can hit "Apply" and "OK" and start fragging away easily :)

I like Doomseeker because it has a feature called WADSEEKER, which will download pwads for you at high speed and install them before Odamex is launched.

You can download Doomseeker for Odamex here

And the Doomseeker web site is located here for more info on the program itself. Doomseeker is also available for Linux and Mac and the source code is free to download as well.

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: EXCELLENT Deathmatch Wads
« Last post by capodecima on February 23, 2019, 12:25:36 »
I spent many hours in entryway FFA, it can sound crazy but in my early years on zdaemon it was quite popular in czech community play only map01 FFA and it was crazy fun.
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