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Developer's Corner / Re: Odamex's PWAD Compatibility list
« Last post by Ch0wW on January 21, 2019, 04:33:29 »
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Developer's Corner / Odamex's PWAD Compatibility list
« Last post by Ch0wW on January 21, 2019, 04:31:12 »
Greetings everyone,

Given the upcoming 0.8.0 (which arrives really soon), I think it'll be time to make sure to know for the community a PWADs/MegaWADs compatibility list that are guaranteed to work with Odamex.

If you add a WAD to the list, please write the following details, so that it can give the developers better hints in tracking some errors :

• Can it run without having a crash ?
• Does it have errors in the console ? (i.e. missing or incompatible lumps)
• Can it be played in solo fine ? In multiplayer ? And, can it be fully completable ?
• (OPTIONAL - if vanilla-compatible) Can vanilla demos be playbacked ?
• (OPTIONAL) additionnal infos you might tell us

That way, we could also add entries to the Wiki, so that everyone could be aware of what's working, and what's probably not.
Developer's Corner / Re: Odamex's RPM Package
« Last post by vain on January 09, 2019, 10:05:06 »
My apologies, I have not checked the forum for a long time. But since development of Odamex is active again, here I am :-) 0.7.0 version is actually available as a repository here for all Fedora major releases (but RPM package itself should work almost on every RPM based Linux distro).

However during today (don't tell my boss :-)) I have prepared a new (more clean and complex spec file) build for Odamex version 0.8 with support of others RPM based Linux distributions supported by a copr project (Mageia, openSUSE, CentOS).
General Discussion / Re: Is anyone interested in a Wii port?
« Last post by Hekksy on December 21, 2018, 20:34:06 »
You are still welcome to work on the wii port. It works well offline but online needs some work. It shares the launcher with the Odamex Xbox port.

Feel free to put your request in the bug tracker.
General Discussion / Re: Is anyone interested in a Wii port?
« Last post by TDRR on December 20, 2018, 12:31:45 »
I actually worked on porting to the Wii shortly after I completed the Xbox port. You can find the Wii directory in the source code. It has a Makefile to build with DevKitPro. It works quite nicely with a pro controller or gamecube controller. The Wiimote works sort of. You can not turn fully with the wiimote. I added some code to initialize networking but I don't think it is functional. You can use a keyboard to try to connect to a server from the drop-down console but it does not connect. Music works if you have soundfonts installed correctly. I would have to look at my SD card to see exactly where they have to go. As for the launcher, the Xbox uses ag-odalaunch which is a libagar based GUI. It builds against the odalpapi networking code, just as odalaunch does, which means it does not need to change to support the current launcher protocol. libagar is SDL based, making it an easy target for game console use, but it provides widgets that are typical of desktop GUI toolkits. For that reason it is not the best choice for controller driven UI. Getting it running on the Wii is going to be the quickest approach to a working launcher though.

Here is the last build I made for the Wii:
Here are the soundfonts and timidity configuration that works with it:

It should still work from the homebrew channel. Plug in a pro controller and you should be able to play fine with a nice framerate.

Ah, that sucks because i completely lack a pro controller so i can't try it out. Still, Wii Linux is the fastest way (framerate isn't as great as native but it's something i can deal with) The fact that i don't have to mess with joystick support means i can easily add support for the Wiimote, most USB HID controllers and Keyboards. And writing a text launcher is a piece of cake in Linux (SRB2Wii did a good launcher) so online play would be easier.

I thought, booting from BootMii really isn't an issue, because from the Homebrew Channel you can press home > "BootMii IOS" and use BootMii even without installing it on boot2, (or you can replace ppcboot.elf with the one from Linux and turn that BootMii IOS button into a Odamex button :D  )

Being able to compile directly from the Wii is also very useful.

Now that i'm seeing a dev, i want to request some stuff: A_Jump (A_RandomJump in certain sourceports) A_Spawn, A_CustomMissile, A_FireCustomMissile and A_FireBullets (I don't know how the monster variant is called) and free states and thing IDs. That would make Odamex perfect for a mod i'm doing.
General Discussion / Re: Is anyone interested in a Wii port?
« Last post by HyperEye on December 13, 2018, 13:26:04 »
I actually worked on porting to the Wii shortly after I completed the Xbox port. You can find the Wii directory in the source code. It has a Makefile to build with DevKitPro. It works quite nicely with a pro controller or gamecube controller. The Wiimote works sort of. You can not turn fully with the wiimote. I added some code to initialize networking but I don't think it is functional. You can use a keyboard to try to connect to a server from the drop-down console but it does not connect. Music works if you have soundfonts installed correctly. I would have to look at my SD card to see exactly where they have to go. As for the launcher, the Xbox uses ag-odalaunch which is a libagar based GUI. It builds against the odalpapi networking code, just as odalaunch does, which means it does not need to change to support the current launcher protocol. libagar is SDL based, making it an easy target for game console use, but it provides widgets that are typical of desktop GUI toolkits. For that reason it is not the best choice for controller driven UI. Getting it running on the Wii is going to be the quickest approach to a working launcher though.

Here is the last build I made for the Wii:
Here are the soundfonts and timidity configuration that works with it:

It should still work from the homebrew channel. Plug in a pro controller and you should be able to play fine with a nice framerate.
General Discussion / Is anyone interested in a Wii port?
« Last post by TDRR on December 10, 2018, 00:07:14 »
I figured that since there's already two ports of other PC games running directly in Wii Linux, i have thought about making some sort of modern Doom for it. And what better modern Doom than online Doom?

I have some questions, though, first, how would i go about creating a online play launcher for it? I'm not very knowledgeable on networking and haven't seen yet what master server keeps the list of servers in it, nor what are the commands for joining a game. There's already a nice launcher i could simply modify to do different stuff but as i said i don't know what server do i have to request the list of games from, so if anyone could point me to the right direction that would be nice.

The only bad things is that right know i only have the know-how to do a port that supports SD cards, not USB, which may come later. And the Wifi chip isn't supported unless you start up the game via BootMii instead of the homebrew channel, this isn't too much of a problem but it's quite bothersome. If you have a ethernet adapter for the Wii, i highly recommend using that instead of booting from BootMii.
Devoblog / Join the ODAMEX Discord!
« Last post by Hekksy on August 31, 2018, 10:36:11 »
Looking for cool people to play Doom with? Join our Discord!
Devoblog / Re: Odamex is Looking for Programming Talent
« Last post by Hekksy on July 11, 2018, 19:22:11 »
I just wanted to give a quick shout out to, Ch0wW, who has been submitting some neat little patches in his Git repo located here: Thanks Ch0wW!
Technical Support / Re: Odamex Server has stopped working
« Last post by Hekksy on July 03, 2018, 18:10:01 »

I've never encountered this, but I will still try to help you. What pwads are you trying to load? The only case I've heard of heapsize being an  issue is when a wad is very very large (such as containing MP3s, or is not Odamex compatible) or when the computer running odasrv runs out of available memory.
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