Hey Guys, I was sitting around the servers today and was wondering, is there an option where I can have a bot enter the game, and play a duel with me. Is there a way to call it from the console? Or do I have to make my own server to do these types of things?
I know that in a port dedicated to competetive play, there isn't much need for bots, and bot's can give someone bad habits as they do the same routine over and over again. However, as a pretty much rubbish player, I think it would be fun to have something to play against. It would be even cooler if the cpu diffculty ramped up depending on score and all of that, but this is just extra.
In short, I jsut want a non-human to play against in the duel servers, just to have something to do while I wait for opponnts. If this feature is already included in some servers, I apoligize for making this thread, and admit to not chechking all the servers to find out if one had this option. This being the case, please inform me on how to do it and thank you in advance.
Thank you for reading,