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Topic: Odamex Saturday Nitro Mapping Event  (Read 5650 times)

Offline HumanBones

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Odamex Saturday Nitro Mapping Event
« on: February 26, 2012, 13:32:58 »
I’m pleased to announce the first Odamex Saturday Nitro Mapping Event! If you haven’t heard of Odamex Saturday Nitro, it is a weekly event held on Odamex that brings everyone together to play their favorite wads which has become very popular and is helping to shape the Odamex community. Nitro is a great place to showcase all types of wads, and that’s where this mapping event comes in. I’d like to get a bunch of people together to make some DM maps specifically for a Nitro session. The maps will be compiled into one wad and it will be run as one of our weekly sessions. Hopefully most of you can participate, but let’s get into the details first:

Start date: February 26th
End date: March 2nd  - This means ALL maps must be submitted to me by 11:59pm on the 2nd. We want to make sure the wad is ready to go by Saturday at 8pm.

Let’s not go crazy this time around. No custom textures or graphics: Doom 2 resources only! A midi for your map is fine.

This time around, I’m looking for at least 12-16 medium or large-sized maps. If we get more people willing to make maps, that’s great! You also have to remember that the player limit for most sessions is 12, so we don’t want to make any maps too small. I would say a map that fits 8 or more players at a time is acceptable.

I don’t think I forgot any details, but you can either post your questions here or find me in #odamex on and I can hopefully answer them for you.

MAP01   -   Decay *COMPLETE
MAP02   -   Killingblair *COMPLETE
MAP03   -   Dark-Karasu *COMPLETE
MAP04   -   Doomguy666 *COMPLETE
MAP05   -   Blarget2 * COMPLETE
MAP06   -   spaztacus *COMPLETE
MAP07   -   Dusk *COMPLETE
MAP08   -   majik *COMPLETE
MAP09   -   majik *COMPLETE
MAP10   -   Shane *COMPLETE
MAP11   -   Dragonsbrethren *COMPLETE
MAP12   -   HeavenWraith *COMPLETE
MAP13   -   walter confalonieri *COMPLETE
MAP14   -   Captain Toenail *COMPLETE
MAP15   -   Captain Toenail *COMPLETE
MAP16   -   Captain Toenail *COMPLETE
MAP17   -   Hatred *COMPLETE
MAP18   -   Kassman *COMPLETE

« Last Edit: March 03, 2012, 13:00:08 by HumanBones »