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Topic: Odamex 10.6.0 Released  (Read 9543 times)

Offline Hekksy

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Odamex 10.6.0 Released
« on: September 11, 2024, 03:18:10 »
Odamex 10.6.0

This is a minor release, mostly to enable Odamex to find the iwads that are packaged with the release of DOOM + DOOM II on Steam and GOG. Odamex will find the DOS iwads as well as the modified iwads that include widescreen assets and green cross health pickups. Please note that the widescreen HUD will show up with glitchy textures, but widescreen HUD assets support is already implemented into the next release!

There are some other fixes involving MAPINFO and UMAPINFO, demo playback and voodoo dolls, and the Vanilla Doom scoreboard.

The Odamex 10.6.0 client is fully compatible with 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 10.3.0, 10.4.0, and 10.5.0 servers, so you can join any 10.x server. We do recommend all server hosts update to 10.6.0 to have the most up-to-date stable release of Odamex for your players to enjoy.

The official release changelog can be viewed here.

Download Odamex 10.6.0 for your preferred platform now!

A Flatpak for Odamex 10.6.0 will be available in the near future, it still needed some testing before it was ready for uploading. If you poke KBlair in Discord he may give you a link to try it, but no promises.

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