From OdaWiki
Basic command-line arguments
- +exec x -- Loads the commands located in the specified file.
- -config x -- An alternate configuration file (as opposed to odasrv.cfg in the current folder or ~/.odamex/odasrv.cfg).
- -port x -- A UDP port to listen on.
- -waddir x -- A folder to search for PWADs. odasrv will search the following locations for PWADs and IWADs (in this order):
-iwad/-file (full paths or relative to current working folder) -waddir $DOOMWADDIR (environment variable, not recommended) $DOOMWADPATH (environment variable) $HOME (environment variable) When specifying multiple paths in -waddir, separate them by spaces. When specifying multiple paths in an environment variable, separate them by semicolons (i.e. export DOOMWADPATH=/usr/local/games/WADs;/usr/local/share/games/WADs).
- -iwad x -- Specifies the full path to the IWAD to use. Alternately, a path relative to -waddir can be given.
- -deh x --
- -beh x --
- -devparm x -- Runs the server in development mode.
- -skill x -- Skill level.
0: I'm too young to die 1: Hey not too rough 2: Hurt me plenty 3: Ultra-Violence 4: Nightmare (typical value for multiplayer games)
- -warp x -- Starts the server on the specified map.
- +map x --
- -timer x -- A timelimit
- -avg x -- Austin Virtual Gaming mode, Deathmatch and 20 minute time limit.
- -background x --
- -file x -- A PWAD or PWADs to load. Separate multiple PWADs with a space (i.e. -file dwango5.wad judas23_.wad
- -logfile x -- The odasrv output logfile.
- -heapsize x --
- -maxclients x -- The maximum number of clients that can connect to the server.
- -stepmode x --
- -blockmap x --
- -noflathack x --