Required Libraries

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Revision as of 17:23, 25 January 2007 by AlexMax (Talk | contribs)

Before you can compile Odamex, you need to obtain some external libraries that adds required functionality for Odamex to run. Please note that the Odamex Server does not require any external libraries at this time, and can usually be compiled out of the box.


SDL is a crossplatform library used to display graphics. It is required in order to compile the Odamex client. The latest version of SDL is 1.2.11


SDL_mixer is a compliment to SDL, and handles both sound and music. It is required in order to compile the Odamex client. The latest version of SDL_mixer is 1.2.7


wxWidgets is a library used to display graphical user interfaces. It is required in order to compile the Odamex launcher. The latest version of wxWidgets is 2.8.0