News & Announcements

Odamex 10.5.0 Released

Hekksy :: May 17, 2024, 17:15:36

Odamex 10.5.0
This is a minor release with mostly quality of life fixes. The client has seen a number of useful updates. One of the more notable additions in 10.5.0, contributor loopfz improved the...

Odamex 10.4.0 QUAKECON EDITION 2023 Released

Hekksy :: August 10, 2023, 20:33:36

Odamex 10.4.0
Odamex version 10.4.0 has been released. This is to coincide with QuakeCon 2023, which many of the Odamex team are attending! Say hi!

Odamex 10.4.0 client is compatible with 10.0.0,...

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Latest Updates



2e3e8ddMerge pull request #860 from DeathEgg/umapinfo-update Add label support to UMAP...
bdb2dc4merge up changes
256283bMerge branch 'stable' into pr/860
11c1d64Merge pull request #900 from loopfz/bugfix-itemcount Bugfix: Items picked up by...

Issue Tracker

982Fix Static Init Damage
981[FEATURE] Interpolate various aspects of the client, various bug fixes
980[BUG] Renderer bug when standing on a linedef halfway between a transfer heights...

Doom, Doom II & More

ODAMEX is compatible with the following games:

Open Source, Any Platform*

ODAMEX is designed with portability in mind. From PCs to netbooks, consoles to handhelds, Amiga to Windows - our goal is for any device to run multiplayer Doom.

If you have ported ODAMEX to a new device or platform, let us know!