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Topic: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?  (Read 28364 times)

Offline XDelusion

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List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« on: December 15, 2012, 19:08:11 »
I think it would be really nice to start a list of single player pWads that support Odamex. Especially those that really show off some of the advanced port features of BOOM and early ZDOOM.

 I used to have one where you walk around this huge city and would go into the buildings and what not. I recall there being an operational light house and that it worked on BOOM, but I forget what it was called. :/

There was another BOOM map I used to have that had streets with winding roads amongst some mountains, lots of Pinky Demons etc. Can't remember it's name though. Sad.

 Anyhow, a few good maps that I believe to be on the list, well known, old, or not.


I just read up about this one today on DOOM World. It says it was created with PrBOOM Plus Gl in mind, but it seems to work great so far, beautiful to behold!

Speed of DOOM:

Baker's Dozen:


Needs no introduction.


 Again, no introduction needed.

Memento Mori's, Alien Vendetta, etc. etc.

Ummm... got any more, preferably newer one's?

If the scripting issues get worked out we'll be able to play through Rex's Darkest Hour! ;)
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Offline 40oz

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 14:37:57 »
I think it would make more sense to make a list of wads that don't work in Odamex. I have a pretty huge range of vanilla wads, plus many boom compatible ones, and I haven't had much trouble running anything. So far the only wads I've had any trouble with are ArmouredBlood's Newgothic Movement MAP21, and Sunder.

Offline XDelusion

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2013, 20:57:47 »
And now that I took the time to learn how to use DOOM World's pWAD search engine better, I find this thread a kinda pointless. Though I'm sure there are plenty of quality pWADs out there created post 2002 (ZDOOM 1.23 era) that work just fine. Other that should but do not Darkest Hour) because of bugs or choices made by the authors of Odamex.

Likewise I have noticed that MBF's BEX features are not supported, and that some maps like the WolfendDOOM and KzDOOM sereies, appear to work fine, but produce strange missing sprite icons through out the game.

I think in this sense, a list of what does not work would be useful, though I'd still love a list of hidden treasures made for ZDOOM 1.22 and 1.23 as well as some old PrBOOM and Vanilla gems too.
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Offline Hekksy

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2013, 22:35:52 »
As you go back in time, you will find that ZDoom is highly incompatible with itself. The reason Rex's Darkest Hour doesn't work from 1.22 to 1.23 is because ZDoom tended to change a lot of things without regards to how things worked and how modders were accustomed to previous versions. I'm sure the Odamex team would love to see full Boom and ZDoom 1.22/1.23 support, however there is not enough time in the day to keep up with demands and too few well documented bug reports to rely on. Its very rare that you come across developers that are willing to delve into the engine as thorough as some of the developers we have and we're lucky to have them. But the fact of the matter is is that there is nobody dedicated to simply "fixing compatibility." We would all love to see perfect DeHackEd, Boom, and ZDoom support (on and offline). But as of right now, development is a bit slow and the priority is netcode improvements, rendering improvements, and a more robust menu system simply because these criteria are what the developers enjoy working on the most.

If any developers are reading this topic and want to help the Odamex team out with anything coding-wise, please do not hesitate to contact the team via IRC or the bug tracker!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 22:38:26 by HeX9109 »
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Offline XDelusion

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 23:02:10 »
 On that note, I do enjoy the features that I am finding do work. If not all the old WADs work right, then that just means that new ones custom made for Odamex are due. ;)

 I just stumbled upon an interesting list of pWADs that would be worth trying out.
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Offline Pseudoscientist

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 02:44:04 »
As you go back in time, you will find that ZDoom is highly incompatible with itself. The reason Rex's Darkest Hour doesn't work from 1.22 to 1.23 is because ZDoom tended to change a lot of things without regards to how things worked and how modders were accustomed to previous versions.
No Hex, the reason Darkest Hour doesn't work is becuause Odamex doesn't even have full 1.22 support, namely, ACS inventory manipulation functions are commented out in the source. I'd appreciate if you edit the wiki to stop saying Odamex supports all ZDoom 1.22 features or ZDoom 1.23 ACS, because it doesn't.
But as of right now, development is a bit slow and the priority is netcode improvements, rendering improvements, and a more robust menu system simply because these criteria are what the developers enjoy working on the most.
I'd be intersted to know if so called "uncapped frame rate" is planned, thanks.[/drive-by comment]
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Offline Hekksy

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 10:48:43 »
No Hex, the reason Darkest Hour doesn't work is becuause Odamex doesn't even have full 1.22 support, namely, ACS inventory manipulation functions are commented out in the source.
My bad, I was under the wrong impression. I thought I read somewhere that it was due to differences in the way ZDoom 1.23 did ACS compared to 1.22.

I'd appreciate if you edit the wiki to stop saying Odamex supports all ZDoom 1.22 features or ZDoom 1.23 ACS, because it doesn't.
It does not say "ALL ZDOOM 1.22 FEATURES." It says "The ZDoom 1.22 core engine," because that's what it is. Also it is the ZDoom 1.23 b33 interpretor because that is exactly where the ACS interpretor is ripped from. If something doesn't work ACS-wise it needs to be fixed. I was unaware that inventory was even considered ACS.

I'd be intersted to know if so called "uncapped frame rate" is planned, thanks.[/drive-by comment]
The Truecolor builds do have uncapped framerate.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 10:53:48 by HeX9109 »
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Offline XDelusion

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 11:16:39 »
I think we really need a clear list as to what features are supported and are intended to work and be used with Odamex, and which features to stay away from, ones that are never intended to be made to work, or which may be removed from support sometime in the future.

Likewise, if Odamex had it's own DOOM Builder 2 config, that would save us all a lot of stress too!
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Offline Hekksy

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2013, 11:56:16 »
One was started, however Decay needs to let us know how out of date it is.
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Offline XDelusion

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2013, 12:13:24 »
Sadly that has not been posted on for some time. Then again these forums rarely seem busy either.

I'd love to contribute to such a listing though, maybe start up an official one here perhaps?

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Offline AlexMax

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 16:53:48 »
It does not say "ALL ZDOOM 1.22 FEATURES." It says "The ZDoom 1.22 core engine," because that's what it is. Also it is the ZDoom 1.23 b33 interpretor because that is exactly where the ACS interpretor is ripped from. If something doesn't work ACS-wise it needs to be fixed. I was unaware that inventory was even considered ACS.

There are several ACS commands in 1.23b33 that are concerned with taking and giving inventory items.  In particular, keys are considered inventory items for the purposes of ACS scripts that check to see if you have a key (to allow a script to continue, for example).

The p-codes for these inventory functions are commented out, and ZDoom 1.23b33's Actor system is in a half-in, half-out state...some pieces exist, but the actors are still using Doom's original actor system.  A workable shim might be possible for just those predefined actors, but there's an open question as to if we should just bite the bullet and copy over ZDoom 1.23b33's actor system, a path that will likely be fraught with tedium and pain to make sure it remains compatible with vanilla.

Offline XDelusion

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2013, 17:34:34 »
 I'm not a developer, and this is not my project so it is not my place to try to call the shots obviously, but as someone who is trying to map for Odamex (as TC to be exact), all I can say is that I would absolutely love to see Odamex given as much of ZDOOM's flexibility as possible, especially where running Rex's Star Wars classic is concerned! ;)

 Though again, it is not I who have to undertake all the hard work in that regards, but I would be grateful as would my XBOX and AROS machine!

If we lost an eye we would be sad. So the Mother too is sad, and she'll end, and the world ends... - From the Heart of the World

Offline Hackneyed

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Re: List of Odamex Compatible Single Player Wads?
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2013, 23:11:10 »
I think it would make more sense to make a list of wads that don't work in Odamex. I have a pretty huge range of vanilla wads, plus many boom compatible ones, and I haven't had much trouble running anything. So far the only wads I've had any trouble with are ArmouredBlood's Newgothic Movement MAP21, and Sunder.

Sorry for the bump but we can add to the list...

1024clau.wad MAP01 the red door will not open preventing level completion.

10sector.wad MAP05 third Revenant building doesn’t open it's door and the walls/door at the starting area do not open also preventing level completion.

I kind of gave up trying Boom wads after those two. I just rechecked them with Odamex 0.6.4 using the compatibility option “boom extra line checks on use” and still no good.

From Odamex svn 4326/4325 won't even load them giving an error “W_CachLumpNum: -1 >=numlumps” I guess that settles that for now. 4318 and before will load the wads and other Boom wads. I'm running Windows 8 on an Intel CPU. I'll try to submit a Bug Report or two.