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Topic: Searching/browsing for wads proposal  (Read 10786 times)

Offline 40oz

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Searching/browsing for wads proposal
« on: January 13, 2013, 13:29:11 »
I've gotten really accustomed to Odamex's quick wad loading without having to exit in and out of the game. It's like the source port also doubles as it's own frontend. I love it!

One feature I think Odamex could use though is the ability to search for wads. For example, today, I wanted to play No End in Sight. Unfortunately my memory was failing me and I typed in the console:

wad doom.wad NEIS_b21.wad

to which Odamex couldn't find the wad I specified. That's because the actual filename to No End In Sight is NEIS-b21.wad. I had to exit out of Odamex, look in my wad folders, and find the wad to see the correct spelling of the filename. It would be awesome if I could say, type into the console:

searchwad NEIS

and Odamex would output all the wad I'm looking for. So if I were for example type in:

searchwad hr

Odamex would search my wad directories and output:


So that i could see the names of the wads that I have available to play. On another level of awesomeness, it would also be cool if I could type in a command and the name of the wad, and Odamex would output it's text file, so that I could read which levels are replaced in the wad. But I'll save that for another thread.

Offline Hekksy

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Re: Searching/browsing for wads proposal
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2013, 15:17:25 »
The wad search idea sounds pretty cool. Perhaps an enhancement bug on the tracker with this idea is in order?
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Offline Dr. Sean

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Re: Searching/browsing for wads proposal
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 17:06:59 »
I think tab-completion would be a good option here as well or instead.
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Ant P.

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Re: Searching/browsing for wads proposal
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 17:02:27 »
Fun little feature I just figured out by accident while trying to reply to this: Odamex accepts console commands on stdin.

You can start it up in tmux/screen/etc., then use those for remote control with shell tab completion. For example:
Code: [Select]
tmux new -d -s odamex-$$ 'odamex'
tmux send -t odamex-$$ 'netplay ' /home/ant/.odamex/demos/DM_20130113_010334_dwomga1.wad_map136.odd Enter

(netdemos need tab completion wayyy more than wads do)