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Topic: Simplifying the Mouse Options  (Read 14022 times)

Offline Ralphis

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Simplifying the Mouse Options
« on: August 26, 2008, 10:50:16 »
It has come to my attention recently that, after introducing a variety of new players to Odamex, people tend to all change their settings to similar things. Here I'm going to suggest some changes that will simplify the overly complicated mouse menu and excess mouse options in the engine.

If you disagree with any of these speaking up is crucial.

1) Remove acceleration and make it always set to 0 (off). Players tend to always set their acceleration to off from what I can tell.

2) As a byproduct of 1, removal of threshold.

3) Removal of Dynamic Resolution.

4) Removal of ZDoom mouse type? The values all translate differently than the ZDoom mouse as it is so it's not even as if you can just transfer your settings over from the other ZDoom engines.

5) Changing the sensitivity scale to decimals so 10 becomes 1.0, 20 becomes 2.0, 25 becomes 2.5, etc. Lower numbers are easier to remember for users.

Offline Nes

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Re: Simplifying the Mouse Options
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2008, 10:51:43 »
I don't think any of us have any idea what dynamic resolution is.

Offline Ralphis

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Re: Simplifying the Mouse Options
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 10:53:08 »
I don't think any of us have any idea what dynamic resolution is.

Exactly why we either need to remove it or someone needs to explain what the heck it is. What's the point in having options that even the developers don't have any clue what their intended purpose is?

Ant P.

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Re: Simplifying the Mouse Options
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 12:48:06 »
"Acceleration" is a linear multiplier for mouse movement, "Dynamic Resolution" is an exponent. Or at least that's what I could figure out from the code.

[edit: meant to post this as well but it got eaten somehow:]

IMO the names are just wrong; DR should be accel and the current "acceleration" should be named "mouse speed" or something similar.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 12:50:15 by Ant P. »

Offline Hekksy

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Re: Simplifying the Mouse Options
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 21:31:44 »
I suggest removing acceleration from the menu and setting it to 0 by default, BUT leaving the console command for it still intact.

I use mouse acceleration. :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 18:00:00 by HeX9109 »
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Offline ufon

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Re: Simplifying the Mouse Options
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2008, 21:35:41 »
1) Remove acceleration and make it always set to 0 (off). Players tend to always set their acceleration to off from what I can tell.

please don't do that, the ingame option is great since neither logitech nor razer drivers can set accel. properly, logitech's setpoint allows for only 3 steps(the fourth[very first one] being zero) of mouse accel and that just isn't enough, i think properly configured acceleration can give you a certain edge in a two dimensional game like doom and the option should def. be there if the same can't be done properly via drivers, i believe even some top players still use acceleration, thank you

Offline Russell

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Re: Simplifying the Mouse Options
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2008, 00:18:22 »
I can suggest a few things:

1) Instead of just having a sensitivity bar, we split it and make it horizontal and vertical sensitivity.
2) Change "Zdoom Mouse" to "Odamex Mouse"
3) Move Lookstrafe from parent menu into the mouse one, it seems that the slider only affects the mouse

Our acceleration code is the same from chocolates and uses the same values by default, do we need to remove it?

Dynamic resolution seems to be related to high resolution mice, which is counted in DPI rather than CPI (most standard mice have a DPI of around 400, high res mice can go from 400 - 1200+), I don't know if this is correct since there isn't much information available. If it doesn't work we either fix it or throw it out.