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Topic: New Game Type Design Document/Proposal: OdaBall  (Read 19629 times)

Offline Ralphis

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New Game Type Design Document/Proposal: OdaBall
« on: October 14, 2008, 18:58:17 »
Design Document

[What is OdaBall?]

Odaball is a proposed game type for Odamex that takes some inspiration from Halo 3's Oddball game mode and adapts similar ideas to Doom's fast-paced game play.

[How is OdaBall played?]

OdaBall can be played in both individual (free for all) and team based modes in existing deathmatch maps or maps specifically designed for the OdaBall mode.

[What are the rules of OdaBall?]

In this mode, one OdaBall is spawned into the map. Players compete to hold the OdaBall as long as possible.


For every second the Odaball is held, the player (or their team) receives a point. A point is also awarded for picking up the OdaBall. The game can be won in two ways:

1) Earning enough points to reach a specified 'scorelimit'
2) Having the most points at the end of a set timelimit

{Spawning the Ball}

OdaBall should be designed to not only be compatible with maps specifically designed for it but for existing DM maps as well.

A thing type should be set aside for OdaBall spawn spots. If more than one OdaBall spawn thing exists, the ball should be randomly spawned at one of those things.

OdaBall should also be built to work with existing maps. If no OdaBall spawns exist, the ball should be spawned onto a DM start.

{OdaBall Timeouts}

The question could be raised on how to deal with the ball being dropped into an inescapable area. Since OdaBall is designed to be a fast paced game, one could offer the suggestion that if the ball is dropped in a spot for 10 seconds (proposed value - subject to change following testing) without being touched, it should be respawned randomly to another spawn spot. A cvar should be considered to toggle this.

Also, if the ball is dropped into a sector with a damage special, it could be respawned. This would need to be tested to see how it affects a game.

{Finding the OdaBall}

Unlike Capture the Flag, which emphasizes players hide with the enemy flag to avoid conflict, OdaBall allows opponents to know where the OdaBall is at all times with the aid of a color translatable arrow that hovers above the ball.

What is special about the arrow is that it can be seen through all objects and walls at all times, never changing in size. This allows for a constant chase of the ball.

When the ball is at rest, the arrow flashes blue and gold (or maybe gray). If an enemy is holding the ball, the arrow will appear red. If a teammate is holding the ball, the arrow will appear green.

This is all subject to change and open to input.

Offline (sniper) 109

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Re: New Game Type Design Document/Proposal: OdaBall
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 02:19:27 »
This could be interesting.neat for gameplay I'm guessing that the odaball will be one of the skullkeys?

Offline Ralphis

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Re: New Game Type Design Document/Proposal: OdaBall
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2008, 08:26:08 »
No, the Odaball spawn would have its own special thing type

Offline DevastatioN

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Re: New Game Type Design Document/Proposal: OdaBall
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 18:17:52 »
Just came across this thread, and this game mode is AMAZING, it's my favorite of all game modes to be honest.  I'd prolly never duel again if there was an active community playing this game.

I dont necessarily agree with 1 point per second (1 point for 10 seconds or something maybe).  But that can all be tweaked.
