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Messages - Ralphis

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: Dsdoom3

« on: January 13, 2013, 01:00:57 »
I like both of those shots, especially the first one

General Discussion / Re: 32bpp color mode

« on: January 09, 2013, 15:49:28 »
A small test map I made to show off how the new true color mode can make maps look. The first picture in each shot is in the 8-bit color, the second is the new true color:

I believe that the settings for odalaunch are stored in the registry in Windows. If this is the case, the launcher may be pointing to an old install of Odamex (in this case, Oda 0.6) when trying to join a server. Go to settings > file locations > Odamex Path and make sure that the path to your current 0.6.2 install is correct. If that fails, come back and let us know.

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6.2 Released

« on: December 15, 2012, 14:00:10 »
** This is a required update **
* The Release *

===Widescreen support===
Odamex now natively supports widescreen field of vision on widescreen resolutions.  Remove the blinders, and take advantage of that nice LCD monitor you have.
Of course, there are times where you might prefer to keep a narrower field of view.  Odamex not only allows you to use the stretched widescreen like in prior versions, there is an option to use a zoomed in view that has a correct perspective but still limits you to the original field of view, cutting off the top and bottom of the screen.  And although it is off by default, servers can enforce the lack of widescreen, allowing players to fallback to whichever type of limited field of view they prefer.
===Player Weapon Order===
Anyone who had played Doom for a significant amount of time knows this situation.  You have your opponent in your sites, you're just about to pull the trigger...but just at that moment your gun disappears and you're helplessly sawing the air while your gleeful opponent takes advantage of your misstep to put buckshot straight at your mug.
No more.  Odamex now features a more comprehensive implementation of Player Weapon Order that allows you to have two weapons with the same priority.  And now it has a dedicated more guesswork.
===Warmup Mode===
Odamex now supports resetting the map to its original state without reloading it.  This opens a world of possibilities, and the first of those to be realized is Warmup Mode.
When you join a server in warmup mode, you can run around and shoot other players all you like.  However, frags and scores do not count, and the game is not allowed to proceed until all players have signaled that they are ready.  Once they are, a countdown begins and the map resets to its original state, ready for play.  There are several other possibilities that this warmup mode allows as can elect to start the game as soon as the map loads, but with a countdown that allows players time to connect.
Of course, this isn't the only thing that map resetting allows.  The 'callvote restart' command has been overhauled to take advantage of this feature as well.

===Doom/Doom 2 BFG Edition Support===
Odamex now supports the new official versions of the game data packaged with Doom 3: BFG Edition. Odamex will automatically detect the BFG Edition version of the game and add support for the Doom 2 expansion episode, "No Rest for the Living".
===Cooperative Improvements===
Cooperative play has gotten some much-needed attention with this release.  The primary source of monster desyncs has been found and fixed, meaning that you and your buddies can finally team against the forces of hell without the demons of the internet grabbing at your ankles.
Of course, we couldn't just leave you with that.  In addition to a long-overdue addition that allows players to keep obtained keys after being killed, Odamex now features built-in monster health scaling and monster damage scaling.  Watch your step...that puny little former human might hurt a lot more next time.

Along with these additions to Odamex, there have been a numerous amount of bug fixes and improvements to the engine's networking and rendering systems. You can grab the proper download for your system at the top of the main page.

Technical Support / Re: [OSX] Odamex crashes

« on: November 16, 2012, 16:12:24 »
I've forwarded this topic to our resident OSX experts. Hope to have you an answer soon

Technical Support / Re: joystick vertical sensitivity

« on: September 04, 2012, 18:19:56 »
I have referred Hyper_Eye to this thread so hopefully he can respond with something more substantial soon, but regarding resigning a button to toggle always freelook, you can put this in your config:

bind key "toggle joy_freelook"

Key obviously being whatever joystick button you want to use

Devoblog / Re: Sparks fly; Odamex 0.6.1 released!

« on: July 14, 2012, 21:22:03 »
why would you change the build process and not put it in the changelog or even update your wiki?

I mean, come on

I'll mention it, but remember that we can always use valuable contributions from volunteers :)

General Discussion / Re: zDOOM 1.22 Compatability...

« on: July 13, 2012, 13:20:04 »
As far as the impassable bridge goes, you will need to go into the compatibility menu and set the top option about actor heights to on. You could also turn ZDoom physics on. As a matter of fact, you would be fine to just turn all of the compat options on for most single player ZDoom wads.

Devoblog / Re: Sparks fly; Odamex 0.6.1 released!

« on: July 05, 2012, 15:59:55 »
I'll mention it, but remember that we can always use valuable contributions from volunteers :)

Devoblog / Sparks fly; Odamex 0.6.1 released!

« on: July 05, 2012, 00:10:34 »
** This is a required update **

* The Release *

Odamex 0.6.1 has a number of new features that should offer something for all of Odamex's users.

One of the star additions to Odamex 0.6.1 are the new spectator options. You will now be able to see a player's status info and weapon when spectating, as well as their vertical mouse look pitch in servers that allow it. This is a significant change that really helps to improve the experience when watching others. There are also a number of other new related commands that can allow you to easily spy a specific player or a flag in CTF.

Robust announcer support has been added as well. This mostly applies to CTF games. Players will also be able to choose their announcer style (possessive or team based). Other often requested additions that affect this type of player are player color forcing and the addition of a turnspeed variable.

All players will be able to enjoy a number of renderer improvements which help prevent line "tearing". Players can also now resize their windows independent of the pre-set resolutions. This means that players who have asked for the option to maximize their windows to their desktop will now be able to do so.

Server administrators now have the option of utilizing the sv_maxplayersperteam variable as well as the co_blockmapfix compatibility flag, which fixes hit-scan collision on actors that overlap more than one blockmap. This is useful due to vanilla Doom having a bug that had some shots appear to hit but do not do the damage they are intended to.

There are a number of other additions and fixes which are covered more in-depth in the change log. To see more specific changes that arrive with Odamex 0.6.1, check out the more extensive list on the release page or the complete listing using our svn changelog.

As usual, you can grab the proper download for your system at the top of the main page.

General Discussion / Re: odamex oldschool tourney #2

« on: June 18, 2012, 12:04:30 »
Name: Ralphis
Country: USA #1
Time when available: Most nights

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: titans_megadm

« on: June 01, 2012, 11:54:34 »
Sweet, hoping to see this hit a server soon and bust out some games on it. Not a huge fan of observe but I'd be willing to give all of the rest a shot

Technical Support / Re: 0.6 Launcher, changes?

« on: May 12, 2012, 16:56:22 »
Providing a pastebin of the errors you're experiencing while compiling would go a long way in helping some of our guys get you up and running.

Devoblog / Odamex 0.6 Released!

« on: May 12, 2012, 00:16:36 »

* The Release *

Odamex 0.6 is finally here! After many months of testing, you can finally enjoy all of the new features of Odamex 0.6 on public servers. Rather than run down the huge list of changes in paragraph form here, here are links to the abbreviated changelog, complete changelog, and the actual svn changelog. In addition to these change logs, there were a number of video previews of Odamex 0.6 which can be seen on Odamex's Youtube Page.

Some of the obvious highlights of this release are the addition of slopes, an advanced voting system, a brand new netdemo format, aesthetic improvements, optimized mouse input, and numerous network enhancements. However, these are simply some of the most notable additions and only scratch some of the changes that have occured going into Odamex 0.6.

* Thank You *

As always, we would like to remind our users that the Odamex project thrives off of user input, particularly when it comes to resolving bugs in the engine. As we've approached this major version over the last few months, dozens of players have pushed their time and resources into ensuring the success of Odamex 0.6. We at the Odamex team want to thank you for your continued and unwavering support. You have played a serious role in shaping this release and we hope that you are as proud as we are! This is only the beginning.

* Keeping The Dream Alive *

We encourage everyone who wishes to continue their support to take a moment and sign up for the Odamex Bug Tracker. This has been one of our most valuable tools in development of Odamex and is our number one resource when it comes to determining our direction. If you come across something odd or broken in Odamex 0.6 that is not already listed or resolved in the tracker, please submit as much information as you can! Our project relies on the input of our average users.

If you are interested in tracking official Odamex news more easily, you can subscribe to updates in a variety of ways:

1) Subscribe to the Odamex Mailing List, which will give you immediate email updates on Odamex bugs and their status as changes occur. You can do this by signing up here or email with "subscribe" in the subject field.

2) Join the growing Odamex Facebook Group, subscribe to our Youtube channel, and join our Google+ page.  

3) You can subscribe to the Odamex release rss feed.

Now go fill those servers!

Maps, Wads and Mods / Re: TEDP

« on: May 11, 2012, 23:02:37 »
Sweet, I remember playing map01 with tm512 and had a lot of fun on it
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