Compiling the Launcher using Code::Blocks

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In this article, we will learn how to compile the odamex launcher which uses the wxWidgets API

Compiling on Windows

Compiling wxWidgets

You will need to download the wxMSW package from the wxWidgets website, the latest version.

After that, extract everything to a directory of your choice, preserving directory structure.


If you initially install codeblocks with mingw included, everything is contained in your codeblocks directory. This has some nice benefits but unfortunately there's a couple things to do before you build wx.

1. Add the bin dir in your codeblocks location (usually c:\program files\codeblocks\bin) to your PATH.

2. Copy cc1.exe, cc1plus.exe and collect2.exe from codeblocks\libexec\gcc\mingw32\3.4.4 to codeblocks\bin

Then continue...

Open a command prompt window, navigate to this directory, go to the build\msw subdirectory and type:

mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc MONOLITHIC=0 UNICODE=0 SHARED=0 BUILD=release

This process will take a while, you should end up with some libraries in the lib\gcc_lib folder after its built, these are the compiled wxWidgets libraries.

Compiling XML Resource files

(This is optional, only do this if you want to change the layout of your launcher!)

In the wxWidgets root directory, navigate to the utils\wxrc sub-directory and type the same command line in the command prompt that you compiled wxWidgets with, this will build wxrc.

After that, copy the wxrc.exe file from one of the subdirectories inside utils\wxrc to the odalaunch\res dir in your odamex root directory

Now, In the odalaunch\res sub-directory, type this into the command prompt:

wxrc /c /o res/xrc_resource.h res/dlgmain.xrc res/dlgconfig.xrc

This will compile the XML Resource (*.xrc) files into a C header file.

Compiling the launcher

Open codeblocks and navigate to the Settings->Global Variables menu, select "wx" as your current variable if it isn't already selected. In the base field, type in the path of your wxWidgets directory and close the dialog.

Now open the odamex.workspace file located in your odamex source directory, right click on the launcher project and select Activate project. Now go to the Build Target: combo box in the toolbar below the main menu and select Win Release, go to the Build menu and click Rebuild and click Yes, this will build the launcher and output the binary/executable in the bin directory in the odamex source directory.

External Links

wxWidgets website