Usage: sv_gametype (#)
The sv_gametype cvar was created to allow server administrators an easy way to manage the various different gametypes that Odamex offers without having to juggle a large variety of cvars.
For example, in the past server administrators were required to set three different variables to run a CTF game. deathmatch 1, teamplay 1, and usectf 1. This could not only be confusing but would cause issues for players if one of these was not set correctly.
In an effort to make things easier for Odamex's users, to achieve the same result with the Gametype cvar, a server administrator would now only have to set sv_gametype 3.
This also makes it easier for developers to implement future gametypes, allowing them to simply assign their gametype a number.
The Gametypes
For an explanation on the gametypes within Odamex, visit Game Types.
Usage: sv_gametype 0
Usage: sv_gametype 1
This variable doesn't determine between classic doom2.exe "-deathmatch" and "-altdeath" rules, so follow this cvar chart:
- -deathmatch: sv_itemsrespawn 0, sv_weaponstay 1
- -altdeath: sv_itemsrespawn 1, sv_weaponstay 0
- "Newschool": sv_itemsrespawn 1, sv_weaponstay 1
Team Deathmatch
Usage: sv_gametype 2
A useful variable server administrators may want to look into for TDM is sv_teamspawns.
Capture the Flag
Usage: sv_gametype 3
There are a few useful variables for server administrators relating to this game mode. Visit Capture_The_Flag for more information.
Relevant Teamplay CVARs
Friendly Fire
Usage: sv_friendlyfire (0-1)
This cvar determines the behavior of damage dealt between team members and is valid in both cooperative and teamplay game modes.
If set to 0, players cannot reduce their teammates' health but can still reduce their armor. If set to 1, players will deal damage to teammates identically to damage dealt to opponents.
Teams in Play
Usage: sv_teamsinplay (0-2)
Number of teams enabled for teamplay modes. Odamex currently only supports up to two fixed teams (red and blue) and these are enabled by default. This cvar was created for the potential introduction of dynamic teams in future versions.
Team Spawns
Usage: sv_teamspawns (0-1)
This cvar changes the behavior of team spawns in a map that provides flexibility for server administrators to use certain types of maps for different intended gamemodes.
An examples of its potential application in different game modes, see sv_teamspawns.
Client Behavior CVARs
NOTE: All of the following cvars change the default behavior of Doom and are disabled by default.
Allow Jump
Usage: sv_allowjump (0-1)
When enabled, players will be able to jump. This may break intended game play on some maps.
Allow Freelook
Usage: sv_freelook (0-1)
When enabled, players will be able to aim on the vertical axis. This may break intended game play on some maps.
Allow Preferred Weapon Order
Usage: sv_allowpwo (0-1)
When enabled, players can choose when or if to switch to a newly picked up weapon automatically.
Allow Red Damage Screen Toggle
Usage: sv_allowredscreen (0-1)
When enabled, players can modify the intensity of their red damage screen.
Allow Target Names
Usage: sv_allowtargetnames (0-1)
When enabled, players will be able to use Odamex's targeting system, which displays the names of other players within one's line of sight.
Allow Weapon Bobbing Toggle
Usage: sv_allowmovebob (0-1)
When enabled, players can modify the behavior of weapon swaying/bobbing.
Double Ammo
Usage: sv_doubleammo (0-1)
When enabled, weapons and ammo give double the ammo given, regardless of the difficulty setting. Great for map packs that change weapon layouts depending on the difficulty setting.
Force Player Respawn
Usage: sv_forcerespawn (0-1)
When enabled, players are forced to respawn within the amount of time specified in sv_forcerespawntime.
Force Player Respawn Time
Usage: sv_forcerespawntime (#)
Only used when sv_forcerespawn is set to 1. Measured in seconds, this number will determine how long until a player is forced to respawn. The Odamex default is 30 seconds. Can be set to 0 for instant respawns.
Infinite Ammo
Usage: sv_infiniteammo (0-1)
When enabled, players will never drain ammo regardless of how much they fire their weapons.
Unblock Players
Usage: sv_unblockplayers (0/1)
When enabled, players will be able to freely pass through each other. Potentially useful for coop games where players may attempt to block others or to prevent spawn fragging in large coop games without enough player starts.
Map Environment CVARs
NOTE: All of the following cvars change the default behavior of Doom and are disabled by default.
Fast Monsters
Usage: sv_fastmonsters (0-1)
When enabled, monsters will move at nightmare speed regardless of skill level. Monsters will always move fast on nightmare skill regardless of this cvar.
Items Respawn
Usage: sv_itemsrespawn (0-1)
When enabled, items respawn after being picked up after a certain amount of time. If disabled, items disappear after being picked up. They do not come back until the map has ended.
Item Respawn Time
Usage: sv_itemrespawntime (#)
Only used when sv_itemsrespawn is set to 1. Measured in seconds, this number will determine how long until respawning an item that was picked up. The Doom and Odamex default is 30 seconds.
Max Corpses
Usage: sv_maxcorpses (#)
Controls the amount of dead player bodies that can be on a map. Useful to limit on servers with large player volumes.
Monsters Respawn
Usage: sv_monstersrespawn (0/1)
When enabled, monsters will respawn regardless of skill level. Monsters will always respawn on nightmare skill regardless of this cvar.
No Monsters
Usage: sv_nomonsters (0/1)
When enabled, no monsters will spawn on any map. This is typically enabled for competitive game modes.
Weapons Stay
Usage: sv_weaponstay (0/1)
When enabled, weapons will not disappear after being picked up by a player. Unlike the other cvars listed here, this is enabled by default as almost every multiplayer mode traditionally uses this setting.
Post-Game CVARs
NOTE: All of the following cvars change the default behavior of Doom and are disabled by default.
Intermission Timeleft Countdown
Usage: sv_inttimecountdown (0/1)
When enabled, clients will see a countdown to the start of the next round during the intermission screen.